[Fiware-fiadopt-coaching] FI-Lab availability - Healthy Swaps project

Chulani, Ilknur ilknur.chulani at atos.net
Thu May 7 16:40:10 CEST 2015

Thanks very much Steve.

Btw, which node were you testing on?  Do you have any exiting VMs data etc. that would need to be migrated to the Zurich node afterwards?



From: Steve Gardner [mailto:steve at rowanalytics.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 5:33 PM
To: Chulani, Ilknur; basel at rowanalytics.com
Cc: fiware-fiadopt-coaching at lists.fi-ware.org; Rastislav Petráš; Claus Erik Jensen
Subject: Re: FI-Lab availability - Healthy Swaps project

Hi Ilknur,

We believe that Basel's tenant ID is 00000000000000000000000000012763. I have copied in Claus Erik who is dealing with this at the moment as Basel is out of the office today (see below).



Hi Steve,
Basels ID is 00000000000000000000000000012763
However, we may already have the quotas. I have been trying all afternoon to create an instance, and the problems I have doesn’t seem to be related to missing quotas.
I’ll continue my tests and give feedback after that.
On 07/05/2015 14:40, Chulani, Ilknur wrote:

Dear Basel,

Zurich node started processing your ticket. They need your tenant id. Could you kindly provide it?  Here are some instructions on how to find your tenant id:


They will assign you the default resource quotas as no specific requirements were indicated in the original request. i.e.:

VM Instances:2

VCPUs: 2

Hard Disk: 40 GB

Memory: 4096 MB

Public IP: 1

Would these be ok with you?

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----

From: Chulani, Ilknur

Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 2:57 PM

To: 'Rastislav Petráš'; basel at rowanalytics.com<mailto:basel at rowanalytics.com>; Steve Gardner

Cc: 'fiware-fiadopt-coaching at lists.fi-ware.org<mailto:fiware-fiadopt-coaching at lists.fi-ware.org>'

Subject: RE: FI-Lab availability - Healthy Swaps project

Dear Rasto, Steve and Basel,

I approved their community account upgrade request and assigned it to Stockholm node help desk on 28th April.  You should have gotten an email notification regarding this on 28th April, but there has been a problem with the ticket notification system, so probably your ticket was affected by this.

I actually sent a reminder to the Stockholm node help team regarding this ticket yesterday, I but I think they are overwhelmed with all the tickets coming in at the same time.  Anyway, I am assigning your ticket now to a different node (Zurich) in order to speed things up a bit. Please let me know if you do not hear back from them in the next few days regarding this. I will also be following this ticket.

Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----

From: Rastislav Petráš [mailto:rastislav.petras at eai.eu]

Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 2:19 PM

To: Chulani, Ilknur; basel at rowanalytics.com<mailto:basel at rowanalytics.com>; Steve Gardner

Subject: FI-Lab availability - Healthy Swaps project

Hi Ilknur,

Steve and Basel are from Healthy Swap project. They are struggling already for weeks with setting up their FI-Lab account. They still do not know whether there is already any node assigned to them.

Could you please help them with this? Or is there anybody else who they can contact and solve these problems as soon as possible? This is already pretty urgent for them and crucial in order to reach their milestones and move forward.

Thank you.



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