Now our "fv03" instance is working again. I don't know if you performed some recovery action. Thank you anyway. Best regards, Giovanni Il 25/03/2016 08.43, Giovanni Toffoli - LINK ha scritto: > Hi Sándor, > since yesterday our instance "fv03" in the Budapest node is not > responsive, although in the "running" state. > This morning I intended to stop and restart it; but after issuing the > "stop instance" command, it remains in the "running" state with the > "powering off" task active. > In this situation id doesn't accept another "stop" command, neither > "reboot" or "create snapshot". > Could you help me? > Thank you in advance, Giovanni > -- Giovanni Toffoli, CEO (FAIRVILLAGE - FI-Adopt sub-project) LINK srl - Via Udine 30, 00161 Roma +39 06 44231115, +39 340 0727780
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