[Fiware-fic3-coaching] Architecture diagram - project diaBEATes by Tessera Multimedia SA / FI-C3

Franck Le Gall franck.le-gall at eglobalmark.com
Tue Dec 8 19:30:18 CET 2015


Thank you for the information.

Overall it looks quite challenging

Regarding the google fit part: I get from the drawing that you are going to inject data into google fit. Is this the case and is this compliant with the EU regulatory framework on health data ?

What is the purpose of the medical data manager and how is this implemented ?

I get the impression that this would be the excellent place for the FIWARE Orion context broker GE which would handle the routing of context information among your different services.

·         Context broket Catalog page: http://catalogue.fiware.org/enablers/publishsubscribe-context-broker-orion-context-broker

·         A quick introduction to the context broker is here : https://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FIWARE.OpenSpecification.Data.ContextBroker

You can find in FISTAR the Event Service SE which is comparable but I would recommend the use of Orion as evolving faster and better maintained.

Kind regards

De : fiware-fic3-coaching-bounces at lists.fiware.org [mailto:fiware-fic3-coaching-bounces at lists.fiware.org] De la part de ??astas?a ????????
Envoyé : mardi 8 décembre 2015 15:41
À : fiware-fic3-coaching at lists.fi-ware.org
Cc : Gaël MAUGIS <gmaugis at images-et-reseaux.com>; Βασίλης Εφόπουλος <efop at tessera.gr>
Objet : [Fiware-fic3-coaching] Architecture diagram - project diaBEATes by Tessera Multimedia SA / FI-C3

Dear FIWARE Coach,

Please find attached the architecture diagram.
For any questions, comments etc please, do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Anastasia Koliakou
[Image supprimée par l'expéditeur.]Project coordinator[Image supprimée par l'expéditeur.]
Tessera Multimedia SA
Dardanellion 11 & Ellispontou, Pefka, 57010 Thessaloniki Greece
tel.: +302310889155-6, Fax: +302310889156<tel:%2B302310889156>
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