[Fiware-finish-coaching] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELC-1459) WG: [FInish-Technology] Fwd: Access to Cosmos Big Data instance

Help-Coaches-Desk coaches-help-desk-jira at fi-ware.org
Wed Aug 17 21:36:00 CEST 2016

>From FIWARE JIRA - Coaches Help Desk ----


Stefano De Panfilis - Today 9:35 PM

Dear Miguel,

Can you please help on the matter?

Thank you in advance.


Il 17 Ago 2016 16:30, "Peter Einramhof" <einramhof at atb-bremen.de> ha

> Dear Ilknur,
> One of our FInish teams (see CC) had requested access to the (new) global
> instance of the Cosmos Big Data GE over a week ago, and a second time some
> days ago.
> As you can see in the email below, they contacted the owner of the GE,
> Francisco Romero Bueno, as described here:
> http://catalogue.fiware.org/enablers/bigdata-analysis-cosmos/instances
> So far they have not received a response, and their project will end soon.
> Is there a way to speed up the process? (Possibly Francisco is on
> vacation?)
> Thanks in advance and kind regards,
> Peter on behalf of the FInish Accelerator.
> *Von:* finish-technology-bounces at atb-bremen.de [mailto:finish-technology-
> bounces at atb-bremen.de] *Im Auftrag von *Jasper van Veghel
> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 17. August 2016 15:47
> *An:* FInish-Technology at finish-project.eu
> *Betreff:* [FInish-Technology] Fwd: Access to Cosmos Big Data instance
> Hi guys,
> See below for my attempts to get in touch with Francisco or someone else
> responsible for the Cosmos Big Data instance. As part of our FINISH
> project, we would like to integrate with it, as this is what we have
> committed to in our funding request!
> Please let me know what I can do in order to obtain access and get these
> questions answered.
> Thanks you and best regards,
> Jasper van Veghel
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

Issue id: HELC-1459
Dear Ilknur,

One of our FInish teams (see CC) had requested access to the (new) global instance of the Cosmos Big Data GE over a week ago, and a second time some days ago.
As you can see in the email below, they contacted the owner of the GE, Francisco Romero Bueno, as described here:
So far they have not received a response, and their project will end soon.

Is there a way to speed up the process? (Possibly Francisco is on vacation?)

Thanks in advance and kind regards,
Peter on behalf of the FInish Accelerator.

Von: finish-technology-bounces at atb-bremen.de [mailto:finish-technology-bounces at atb-bremen.de] Im Auftrag von Jasper van Veghel
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 17. August 2016 15:47
An: FInish-Technology at finish-project.eu
Betreff: [FInish-Technology] Fwd: Access to Cosmos Big Data instance

Hi guys,

See below for my attempts to get in touch with Francisco or someone else responsible for the Cosmos Big Data instance. As part of our FINISH project, we would like to integrate with it, as this is what we have committed to in our funding request!

Please let me know what I can do in order to obtain access and get these questions answered.

Thanks you and best regards,

Jasper van Veghel

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jasper van Veghel <jasper at briiing.it<mailto:jasper at briiing.it>>
Date: Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: Access to Cosmos Big Data instance
To: francisco.romerobueno at telefonica.com<mailto:francisco.romerobueno at telefonica.com>
Cc: communityaccount at fiware.org<mailto:communityaccount at fiware.org>, janwillem.kruize at wur.nl<mailto:janwillem.kruize at wur.nl>, johan.bremmer at wur.nl<mailto:johan.bremmer at wur.nl>

Hello Francisco,

I wanted to ask again regarding access to the Cosmos global instance! (See my original mail below.) Is there anything else that you need from me?

Best regards,

Jasper van Veghel

On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 10:57 PM, Jasper van Veghel <jasper at briiing.it<mailto:jasper at briiing.it>> wrote:
Hello Francisco,

I am currently working on a back-end for the Briiing project; one of the participants in the FINISH program. For our back-end we have committed to using the Cosmos Big Data instance to process and analyze metrics data (delivery state changes, user logins, etc.) on our platform.

For this purpose I'd like to request access to the Cosmos global instance! I've taken the steps to determine my OAuth token by following the Quickstart Guide. My FIWARE Lab ID is "briiing".

As for uploading data, I also had a question: For our metrics, we would ideally add metrics data in a streaming fashion (one entry at a time, every time a data-worthy data point is generated by our back-end). Analysis can then be done in a real-time or batch-like fashion. Is this a supported use-case for Cosmos? Can we do continuous adds to a sequence file on HDFS for example, or should we buffer data on our back-end?

(In addition to this basic question, I have also posited a different but related question on Stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35833096/how-to-show-historical-data-in-wirecloud/38818385#38818385)

Best regards,

Jasper and the rest of the Briiing team!

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[Created via e-mail received from: Peter Einramhof <einramhof at atb-bremen.de>]

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Status: Open 

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