[Fiware-finodex-coaching] A question about SpagoBi GE

Pablo Estrada pabloestrada1984 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 17:28:58 CEST 2015

Hi all !
We have a problem trying to load data to draw charts with SpagoBI 
After installing SpagoBI having asked SpagoBI's contact person to solve some problems with the configuration that weren't mentioned in the documentation we are having the following problem to create a chart with parameters and showing in a website. We created a dataset , a datasource with parameters (that are working in the preview tab), a Lov for each parameter and a chart with SpagoBI Studio which has an analytical driver for each parameter pointing to the corresponding lov, asking us to enter parameters in the document browser page and execute the chart. When executing the chart with parameters the frame loads blank, we cant see any chart and no data is stored in the error logs.
We couldn't find examples documentation of SpagoBi use to make charts from parameters and to load a chart into a html div or iframe.

If anyone can help, please
Thanx in advance

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