[Fiware-finodex-coaching] location platform GE

Pasquale Vitale pvitale at eng.it
Thu Sep 10 11:28:06 CEST 2015

I've already replied,
see the "Location Plarform GE - where ?"

Best regards

Il 08/09/2015 16:39, Tania Petsouka ha scritto:
> Hello coachers,
> In the project  that we are currently developing we are planning to 
> use the Location Platform GE therefore a few questions have arisen 
> concerning it's proper set up and use:
>  1. First of all, the Enabler is not listed under the generic enablers
>     in this page <http://catalogue.fiware.org/enablers> so we would
>     like to verify that it is currently active.
>  2. Secondly, in the User and Programmer Guide
>     <https://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Location_Platform_-_User_and_Programmers_Guide> 
>     the corresponding link to the Installation Guide
>     <https://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Location_Platform_-_Installation_and_Administration_Guide_R2> leads
>     to an empty page.
>  3. Is there maybe a global instance of the platform we could use to
>     e.g. verify a client's location or we need to set up a Location
>     Platform Server anyway?
> Any additional information you could provide concerning the Location 
> Platform Enabler would be really helpful.
> Thanking you in advance,
> -- 
> Tania Petsouka
> Software Engineer
> Τ: +30 (2310) 500181
> F: +30 (2310) 551844
> Ε: tpetsouka at dotsoft.gr <mailto:tpetsouka at dotsoft.gr>
> W: http://www.dotsoft.gr
> P: Kountouriotou 3 | Thessaloniki 546 25
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