Ibon Salbidegoitia ibon.salbi at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 19:00:06 CEST 2015

Hi Sami,

I have checked that there is a new version available (since last week):
Looking for the size of the files, it seems that you only modified the test
Can you tell me which are the changes? If they are published somewhere,
just send me the link and I will search for it.
Thank you in advance. Best regards,


2015-08-28 8:15 GMT+00:00 Sami J <sami.jylkka at cyberlightning.com>:

> Hi Ibon,
> really nice to hear your progress! And thanks for notifying that defect :)
> And yes,  I uploaded new reference client version to the forge and it
> actually contains changes to the DEM client so that it now supports XML3D
> building object placement while terrain source is DEM file. So if you have
> defined building object coordinates as described in the wiki documentation,
> you should be able to load them also in the DEM reference client. Perhaps
> that is useful example for you.
> For your information also that we have changed reference client github
> repository so that it is now dedicated only for the reference client. new
> repository is here: https://github.com/Cyberlightning/GISDataProvider.
> I'll update links in the wiki shortly
> Best regards,
> Sami
> On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 10:38 AM, Ibon Salbidegoitia <ibon.salbi at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi Sami,
>> I have been working on the XML3D objects and it seems that I was able to
>> introduce the objects in the test scenario as you can see on the attached.
>> We have to solve some problems with shadows/light on the objects but I
>> expect to be quite easy to solve it.
>> I saw on wednesday that you uploaded a new GIS client version (4.4.2). I
>> was yesterday testing it and it seems that everything is going well. Now, I
>> am trying to merge the xml3d and DEM examples to be able to introduce the
>> XML3D objects on our terrain/texture. I will show you when I advance on
>> this.
>> Just on comment about the 4.4.2 version (and also previous versions). I
>> found a little error/bug on your JS script on xml3d example (path:
>> GIS_Client_xml3d/scripts/scenemngr.js) line 222 where X and Y are mixed as
>> seen below:
>>         if (LayerMaxY < parseFloat(higherCornerSplit[1]) || LayerMaxX
>> ===null){   -> Wrong
>>         if (LayerMaxY < parseFloat(higherCornerSplit[1]) || LayerMaxY
>> ===null){   -> Correct
>> Best regards,
>> Ibon
>> 2015-08-19 6:49 GMT+00:00 Sami J <sami.jylkka at cyberlightning.com>:
>>> Hi Ibon,
>>> I have updated *GIS_Client_xml3d*-client and it now supports adding
>>> external XML3D models on top of the terrain. You can try the functionality
>>> by getting latest changes from the github and using
>>> *DEM_geotiff_terrain_EPSG3067.tiff* as a elevation source and
>>> *fiware:building_coordinates* for querying also building models*. *Reference
>>> client works so that *addMeshtoHtml()* -function in *scenemngr.js*
>>> creates external model definitions and adds them to the DOM. URL to the
>>> model definition file is received from the server, so if you would like to
>>> try eg suzanne.json instead of xml-url received from the server, you can
>>> just replace xml URLwith URL to json file. in example like this:
>>> *var meshString = "<mesh src=\"../3Dmodels/suzanne.json\"/>";*
>>> For further details related to XML3D I recommend http://xml3d.org/,
>>> there is a lot of details how to use XML3D in the web page and how to
>>> manipulate objects. Also good examples can be found from there.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Sami
>>> On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 4:27 PM, Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Sami,
>>>> I still continue making some modifications to show the maps, but I
>>>> write this email for a question related to XML3D objects I asked you last
>>>> week.
>>>> The client example focuses on a postGIS data to create the XML3D
>>>> objects (the buildings). I have the objects in a JSON format as the one
>>>> attached (or here
>>>> <http://xml3d.github.io/xml3d-examples/examples/suzanne/suzanne.json>)
>>>> for this example:
>>>> http://xml3d.github.io/xml3d-examples/examples/suzanne/suzanne.html
>>>> To create complex and time-changable 3D images is a very suitable
>>>> format, so I would like to know how can this XML3D objects can be
>>>> introduced in a JSON format inside the scene.
>>>> Thank you in advance. Best regards,
>>>> Ibon
>>>> 2015-08-11 7:12 GMT+00:00 Ibon Salbidegoitia <ibon.salbi at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi Sami,
>>>>> Thank you for your help. As you can see on the attached file, the
>>>>> ortophoto is now shown correctly. You can check it on our server on the
>>>>> following link:
>>>>> I will try to share cross-origin source and also try to solve the
>>>>> problem of the edges (that you can see still on attached) on my own. I will
>>>>> tell you how everything is going.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Ibon
>>>>> 2015-08-11 6:39 GMT+00:00 Sami J <sami.jylkka at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>> I hope you are doing well.
>>>>>> I made some new changes to the client code and uploaded them to the
>>>>>> github. I modified client logic so that CRS:84 definition is used always
>>>>>> when requesting data from server. So this is used for both texture and
>>>>>> terrain data. Client is not yet final one, but should be mature enough for
>>>>>> you to test. Change was done only to GIS_Client_DEM, so other clients
>>>>>> didn't adopt this logic. If there is still problems with the texture I'm
>>>>>> happy to check it.
>>>>>> >>Also about you asked on this topic, how can I share cross-origin
>>>>>> resource of my ortophoto to you to be able to test it in future situations?
>>>>>> yes, this is very handy feature and there's short guide in the wiki.
>>>>>> Here's the link:
>>>>>> http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/GIS_Data_Provider_-_Installation_and_Administration_Guide#Configuration_for_allowing_cross-origin_requests
>>>>>> I'll try to explain insight why edges occurs between terrain blocks:
>>>>>> When elevation data is uploaded to the server, there are exact
>>>>>> elevation points in the source data. And when client requests elevation
>>>>>> data in the area which corners are exactly those kind of points where
>>>>>> elevation were also originally specified, server is able to return
>>>>>> elevation data so that each block edge elevation values nicely match with
>>>>>> the next block edge values. However edge problem occurs when client
>>>>>> requests elevation data from the area which corners aren't exactly original
>>>>>> elevation definition points. For this reason server needs to dynamically
>>>>>> calculate terrain block edge elevation information. And because these edge
>>>>>> elevation values are estimations calculated by the server, there is change
>>>>>> that elevation values in the block edges aren't same with the next block.
>>>>>> To overcome this problem client needs to be able to create terrain
>>>>>> block objects so that block edge elevation values in the octet-stream
>>>>>> returned by the server are modified to match with the next terrain
>>>>>> block.
>>>>>> I hope this helps you!
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Sami
>>>>>> On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 11:08 AM, Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Sami,
>>>>>>> Thank you for the link.
>>>>>>> I updated the GIS_Client_DEM and now the LIDAR tif is available to
>>>>>>> be displayed (check in attached Img1.png or directly on
>>>>>>> ).
>>>>>>> As you can see the ortophoto does not appear. This could be due to
>>>>>>> the different SRS projections as Juha told in a previous email? Also about
>>>>>>> you asked on this topic, how can I share cross-origin resource of my
>>>>>>> ortophoto to you to be able to test it in future situations?
>>>>>>> I also would like to ask you about some errors on loading the tiles.
>>>>>>> As you can see on attached Img2.png, it seems that there is something wrong
>>>>>>> on the edges. I checked different edges and maybe the most clear photo is
>>>>>>> attached Img3.png image where it seems that there is a problem with the
>>>>>>> offset of location (maybe). What do you think about it?
>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>> 2015-08-06 8:15 GMT+02:00 Sami J <sami.jylkka at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>> I didn't yet made any release but only updated client source code
>>>>>>>> to the github. I was in assumption that we've already shared github link to
>>>>>>>> the refrerence client source code to you, but clearly that is not the case.
>>>>>>>> I'm very sorry about that, here's the github link:
>>>>>>>> https://github.com/Cyberlightning/Cyber-WeX/tree/master/GIS
>>>>>>>> So I just made few changes to the reference client, there's no need
>>>>>>>> to for you to do any changes to geoserver.war. After you have updated
>>>>>>>> reference client (GIS_Client_DEM) to your VM, you should be able to use
>>>>>>>> your LIDAR tif as a source for elevation data.
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Sami
>>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 8:41 PM, Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Sami,
>>>>>>>>> When you say that you uploaded changes to the github, you mean
>>>>>>>>> that I have to compile again geoserver WAR with the source? I suppose it is
>>>>>>>>> because I haven't seen updates on
>>>>>>>>> https://forge.fiware.org/frs/?group_id=7 for
>>>>>>>>> section MIWI-GISDataProvider, so I suppose that the war is still not
>>>>>>>>> available.
>>>>>>>>> Or maybe I am wrong, and you refer that you change the test assest
>>>>>>>>> JS code. But in this case I don't know to which Github you refer as I
>>>>>>>>> didn't know about this source on Github.
>>>>>>>>> Please, can you clarify it to be able to test your changes?
>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance. Best regards,
>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>> 2015-08-04 13:20 GMT+00:00 Sami J <sami.jylkka at cyberlightning.com>
>>>>>>>>> :
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>> I made quick changes to the GIS_Client_DEM source and it seems to
>>>>>>>>>> work better now with LIDAR dataset. Client didn't previously handle
>>>>>>>>>> NoDataValaues correctly, so I added logic where all noDataValues are
>>>>>>>>>> replaced with "0". Now elevation model is properly created based on the
>>>>>>>>>> octet-stream data. I also replaced hardcoded SRS value with dynamic one, so
>>>>>>>>>> now SRS should be always right. This is applicable also for the textures,
>>>>>>>>>> texture srs value is based in the information received for the WMS
>>>>>>>>>> GetCabalities request. I was only able to test DEM file since I don't have
>>>>>>>>>> texture available which you are using. I would have been used your running
>>>>>>>>>> test server, but since it's lacking cross-origin resource sharing it is not
>>>>>>>>>> possible.
>>>>>>>>>> DEM file which I used:
>>>>>>>>>> ftp://ftp.geo.euskadi.net/lidar/MDE_LIDAR_2013_ETRS89/MDT_LIDAR_2013_25m_ETRS89.zip
>>>>>>>>>> Changes are uploaded to the github, so you can check if changes
>>>>>>>>>> are helpful for you. In geoserver I defined EPSG:25830 as declared SRS. I
>>>>>>>>>> also did set "Declared SRS handling" to "reproject native to declared".
>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>> Sami
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 1:16 PM, Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Juha and Sami,
>>>>>>>>>>> Taking into account your comment 2, I have modified the source
>>>>>>>>>>> of scenemngr.js file to make it more general and change the srs
>>>>>>>>>>> variable declaration to: var srs = "&srs=" + TerrainTextureCRS;
>>>>>>>>>>> This makes the srs to be always the same of the layer that it
>>>>>>>>>>> you are loading.
>>>>>>>>>>> You can check it here:
>>>>>>>>>>> * I added a console log on that line (257) to show it:
>>>>>>>>>>> console.log("srs: ", srs);
>>>>>>>>>>> However, when loading ODE data I introduced, there is an error
>>>>>>>>>>> on line 477 of scenemngr.js (use browser debug tools to check it) and the
>>>>>>>>>>> previous "s", "t", "avg dist in s" and "avg dist in t"
>>>>>>>>>>> variables on console log show me that as told you on the previous email,
>>>>>>>>>>> that something with the NO-DATA information or something else is going
>>>>>>>>>>> wrong (NoData Value=-3.4028234663852886e+38).
>>>>>>>>>>> "s" and "t" are not equal values on my layers (ODE) as they are
>>>>>>>>>>> on the test client default layers. Which is themeaning of this information
>>>>>>>>>>> and where is the problem?
>>>>>>>>>>> You also mentioned on your comment 3 that the terrain and
>>>>>>>>>>> texture have to be in the same SRS. Does it correct? If so, please let me
>>>>>>>>>>> know to change it and test it.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance. Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-07-27 12:58 GMT+00:00 Juha Hyvärinen <
>>>>>>>>>>> juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Here's what I found out about your reported problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. I lookd into your test data and elevation data seemed to be
>>>>>>>>>>>> correct. Since all customer level monitors can only show 8 bit colors,
>>>>>>>>>>>> previewing image with higher color depth will be normalized to 8 bit images
>>>>>>>>>>>> and all color values are recomputed to that scale. When you zoom into
>>>>>>>>>>>> "white" only are, you will see more details also in preview window. You can
>>>>>>>>>>>> also view raw pixel values just by clicking a spot you want more info from.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. I noticed that srs value is hard coded into demo client code
>>>>>>>>>>>> and therefor it's incorrect for your dataset.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It is defined in scenemngr.js file in line 257: var srs =
>>>>>>>>>>>> "&srs=EPSG:3067";
>>>>>>>>>>>> For your data it should be: var srs = "&srs=EPSG:25830"
>>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't worked with current demo client code, so I'm not sure
>>>>>>>>>>>> how that part of code could be made more dynamic and I'm also not sure if
>>>>>>>>>>>> Sami will have time for that after he returns from his vacation. For now
>>>>>>>>>>>> quick fix is to change that value to code. It's also worth to note that
>>>>>>>>>>>> demo client is delivered only for demonstration purposes and therefore it's
>>>>>>>>>>>> not guaranteed to work with all possible datasets.
>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Problem with textures not showing could be related to the
>>>>>>>>>>>> fact that terrain and texture are defined in different coordinate systems
>>>>>>>>>>>> and client is not able to handle that situation. As noted earlier I'm not
>>>>>>>>>>>> familiar with client code and debugging that will take some time. From the
>>>>>>>>>>>> server side everything seems to be just fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>> - Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 11:24 AM, Ibon Salbi <
>>>>>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Juha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you. If you have any problem or doubts about my
>>>>>>>>>>>>> explanations, do not hesitate to ask me whatever you need to be clarified.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>> El 27/07/2015, a las 07:58, Juha Hyvärinen <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com> escribió:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I just returned from my summer vacation and I will look into
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that problem as soon as it's possible.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 2:16 PM, Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Juha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have seen from an automatic reply email that Sami is going
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be on holidays till 31st of July. Is there any other technical support
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who can give me feedback about the Fiware Enabler developed by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cyberlightning?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-07-13 11:10 GMT+00:00 Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sami,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't received reply for the issue I told you in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous email.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you please confirm me that you received? If so, can you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tell me the situation?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Should I put Juha in Cc for all this process?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you in advance. Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-07-01 17:20 GMT+00:00 Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sami,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First of all, as I mentioned in a previous email, I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put in Cc our Fiware Accelerator (Finodex) coaches as they requested in a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> meeting with them to follow the situation of each project that they are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> supporting.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> About your previous email, the last release is working! I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have test it in our test server (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the DEM works with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the data provided as test.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have checked that the test requires the textures to have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "texture" on their names and "DEM" for terrain DEM. I have upload my data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to test it but I have the following problems:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    1. When I preview your DEM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    (DEM_geotiff_terrain_EPSG3067) I can see on geoserver a grayscale image on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    openlayers (openlayers example
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <,7547990.0,380020.0,7554000.0&width=512&height=512&srs=EPSG:3067&format=application/openlayers>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    I have seen that the tiff is a float32 image in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    grayscale with a 281.604 minimum value and 792.834 maximum value
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    I have upload a similar DEM called "DEM_ODE_terrain"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    that it can be selected from the DEM GIS Client example (on previous link).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    This image is also float32 tiff with a minimum value of -3.40282e+38 and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    maximum of 1545.84, where minimum value is a NoData value as it is shown
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    with gdalinfo command: NoData Value=-3.4028234663852886e+38
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    The TIF image I use it can be found here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    ftp://ftp.geo.euskadi.net/lidar/MDE_LIDAR_2013_ETRS89/MDT_LIDAR_2013_25m_ETRS89.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    The geodesic system of this TIF is ETRS89 that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    correponds to SRS EPSG:25830. However the preview seems to be a 0-1
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    grayscale image as you can see here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <,4700750.0,606500.0,4811750.0&width=512&height=390&srs=EPSG:25830&format=application/openlayers> (takes
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    some seconds as it is big). This could be due to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    NoData values that make range so big not taking into account that the data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    does not exist. This is correct?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    2. The Terrain texture also has been uploaded to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    Geoserver as can be seen here
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    <,42.457568610196404,-1.6858572736097794,43.45901565397562&width=591&height=330&srs=EPSG:4326&format=application/openlayers>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    .
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    The DEM testing client gives the oportunity to select
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    both layers mentioned (for terrain DEM + terrain texture), however nothing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    appears, only one small gray square looking upwards (on zenith) with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    camera on the client as the altitudes are higher than the ones from the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    examples.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So everything from test seems to work correctly, but when I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> introduce my data, the DEM test client does not seem to work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could it be due to NoData values? Anyway, why the ortophoto
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inserted is shown as gray layer?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-06-30 11:33 GMT+00:00 Sami J <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sami.jylkka at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorry about late response. We have now made new release
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from both server and example client, these can be found from the forge
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> under *MIWI-GISDataProvider 4.3.3*-release:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://forge.fiware.org/frs/?group_id=7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> source code has been uploaded also to the github.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Short documentation related using DEM images can be found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/GIS_Data_Provider_-_User_and_Programmers_Guide#World_Wind_Format_Module
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Installation document covers how to upload DEM image to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> geoserver:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/GIS_Data_Provider_-_Installation_and_Administration_Guide#GeoTIFF_based_.28DEM.29_data_sets_for_elevation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regarding using latitude/longitude coordinates, I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know if you are using them or not. I just wanted to mention this if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> haven't noticed this information from the GIS GE documentation :) To
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> elaborate further, provided GIS GE example web client has been implemented
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so that it works correctly only with metric coordinate system. Using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lat/long data source won't work with the provided client, and that's why
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lat/long coordinate handling needs to be implemented by yourself. But as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> said, I don't know if you are using data source based in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> latitude/longitudes or metric coordinates.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sami
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 11:53 AM, Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sami,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a couple of things to ask.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    1. It is great that the grayscale images for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    elevation is pretty much ready. Can you tell me when do you expect to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    finish the test and when I can be able to test it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    2. About the last paragraph, I do not understand why
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    you tell me that lat/long is not supported. Where I have used it? Do you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    refer to the bounding box of the layers I have upload? So do I have to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    change the SRS to EPSG:25830 for example instead of EPSG:4326?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-06-24 14:22 GMT+00:00 Sami J <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sami.jylkka at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok now it's clear; in a short problem is that elevation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data in grayscale image is not yet supported by the GIS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GE.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The good thing is that implementation for it is pretty
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much ready, we are doing final testing for it and then documentation will
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be updated. So soon it is possible to use grayscale elevation images as for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> source to elevation data, GIS GE implementation supports same data format
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as SRTM data uses. GIS GE will send response data in octet-stream format,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> client itself needs to create 3D objects based on the octet-stream data.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please note that current version of the GIS GE reference
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> web client only supports metric coordinates, Lat/log is not working. I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mention this because if you'd like to use GIS data in Lat/Log format, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> client scenemanager logic needs to be re-implemented.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sami
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sami,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have upload the ortophoto on "fiware" workspace and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also texture with appropriate names to be able to see them in my Client
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> examples:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As you will see, selecting the terrain texture, the new
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> layer appears (surprisingly, the one of other workspace also). But if I try
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to select the terrain layer (first box of GIS client), you will see that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the one uploaded with the name "ODE_test_terrain" does not appear. Maybe I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't explain correctly in my previous email, but this layer is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> altitude layer, the shape. So I suppose that the W3DS options have to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> defined, but if you access to that layer on our testing server (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> . User: admin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pass: geoserver) you will see that I cannot access to the W3DS tab of "ODE_test_terrain"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> layer to make it "Active" and "Queryable" and maybe other options required
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on the GIS client to be able to require it as the shape of the terrain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which could be the problem?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just one more thing. I am selected on one of the FIWARE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accelerators (Finodex) to develop services with Fiware tools. As you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> imagine, this enabler is one that I am using. They required me to put them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (fiware coaches of Finodex accelerator) in CC on this discussion emails to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> follow the evolution of our project. So I will put them in CC on the next
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> email. I suppose there is no problem on this, is it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-06-23 8:38 GMT+02:00 Sami J <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sami.jylkka at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thank you for the feedback, I need to update user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guide about this issue. Textures are queried via geoserver's WMS-interface.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This interface isn't related to W3DS-module and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> therefore there's no need to declare W3DS related
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> options for the texture layer. So when you define texture layer which you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> want to use as a texture for 3D terrain, it is enough to define options
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> under "Data"-tab.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sami
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 6:21 PM, Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Sami,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you. Yes I knew that because I saw it in the JS
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code you mention.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was going to change the ortophoto and texture to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> workspace to "fiware" for that reason, but being honest I didn't test it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because I found the error I described in my previous email. I mean, I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trying to access the texture layer W3DS tab to make it "Active" and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Queryable" as required on the wiki, so that's the reason I sent you the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error, because I though that it wouldn't be possible to go ahead without
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> changing the texture the configuration.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, if I am wrong and it is not necessary to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> configure the W3DS tab, I will try it. I don't need from you to change the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JS code to find texture and photos of all the workspace. I will change the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data to "fiware" workspae.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will tell you if everything goes well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-06-22 9:05 GMT+02:00 Sami J <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sami.jylkka at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nice to hear you have been able to progress in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let me answer behalf Juha: Your texture data seems
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to be ok. In case you are using GIS GE reference client problem with the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> texture loading might be with the used workspace. GIS GE reference client
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assumes that all data is in "fiware"-workspace. This applies also for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> textures. So changing texture workspace to "fiware" might solve loading
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problem.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you'd like to modify reference client to support
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also other workspaces, URI for texture loading is defined in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenemngr.js getElements-function. You can modify URL created in there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sami
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 9:05 AM, Juha Hyvärinen <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Ibon Salbidegoitia <ibon.salbi at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 11:05 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: W3DS - FIWARE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: Juha Hyvärinen <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Juha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I checked that many changes where done on the data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and wiki. Congratulations! Now everything is very clear!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I write you because I have some doubts about the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> texture data. On the wiki "User and Programmers Guide" section "3.3.3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adding texture" the last sentence says that one option is to store texture
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on a GeoTIFF.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I used the following GeoTIFF texture (MDT) data on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> float32 format to try it. You can download it here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ftp://ftp.geo.euskadi.net/lidar/MDE_LIDAR_2013_ETRS89/MDT_LIDAR_2013_25m_ETRS89.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The file has been uploaded to Geoserver. As it does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not recognize the SRS, I defined whichis the EPSG:25830.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As it says in the Unit Testing Plan, I have to go
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to W3DS tab to activate and make it queryable.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, it returns an error on JIRA.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can check it in our geoserver:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  + User: admin
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  + Pass: geoserver
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The GeoTIFF texture is defined on the layer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "terrain" , on workspace "ODE"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Please let me know why this option is not available.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-06-02 18:20 GMT+02:00 Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Juha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have been able to run GIS Client examples:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   +
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As you can see in the attached pictures, there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems to be some problems with space between layers and I cannot see the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> xml3d buildings on the examples.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you know where the buildings should appear?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Just as comment, I have found more bugs that may
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> improve the Unit Testing Plan. I list all of them below if you are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interested on changing them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *On wiki*:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PostGIS connection to GeoServer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + When Publish fiware_test_terrain PostGIS -
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PostGIS Database
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       In "Objects Attributes" section select
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "name" for the "Object ID" it is not possible because only options are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [elevation / geom / lod]. The documentation seems to need to select "name"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when it does not exist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> terrain_texture_orto.tif and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> terrain_texture_raster.tif
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  + Raster_map_image_for_terrain_texture/terrain_texture_raster.tif
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     SRS is automatically set to EPSG:404000. Not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EPSG:3067 as it is said on the wiki
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  + Aero_photo_for_terrain_texture/terrain_texture_orto.tif
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     SRS is automatically set to EPSG:3067. Not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EPSG:404000 as it is said on the wiki
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *On GIS Client*:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Version 4.3.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + The both examples () have changed the script
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "map.js" and now it is not automatically defined "baseUrl" variable as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> previous version 4.2.2. It will be recommended to use the code lines:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          var ip = location.host;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          var baseUrl = "http://"+ip+"/geoserver/";
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *On MIWI-GISDataProvider download section*:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + Version 4.3.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       - Test assest 4.3.2 ZIP file has a space
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> between text and version numbers ->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://forge.fiware.org/frs/download.php/1645/Test_asset_%204.3.2.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       - ZIP file when decompressed has a folder
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with a space between text ("rel") and numbers ("
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4.3.2") -> rel\ 4.3.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       - Subfolders of Test_assest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Building_coordinates /" and "PostGIS_database_backup /" have a space at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the end of the name.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + Version 4.2.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       - Subfolders of Test_assest
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Building_coordinates /" and "PostGIS_database_backup /" have a space at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the end of the name.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-06-02 11:59 GMT+00:00 Juha Hyvärinen <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for feedback about test asset naming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems, I wasn't aware of those and I have informed my colleague who have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> made those packages. He will fix those tomorrow.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Building coordinates are needed if you want to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use external 3D models in your application with real spatial information.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> For example hand made building models placed in correct position etc. If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you don't need those then that step is optional.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We also updated guide for database restoring and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it can be found from here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/GIS_Data_Provider_-_Unit_Testing_Plan#Import_PostGIS_database_backup_with_terrain_data
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Your problem was that username in the database
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> backup was defined to be 'sami' and it does not exist in your system. It is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fixed by ignoring username from the database backup.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before restoring that database backup you should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drop fiware_test_terrain table.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Let me know if this was helpful.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 11:41 AM, Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Salbidegoitia <ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry I send previous email without finishing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the email as error. You have below all the email.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Juha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry for the delay, I was busy and these last 3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> days I had some problems with tomcat so I decided to format everything and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start from the beginning to know what errors are happening.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will try to explain cronologically all the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> steps and error/bugs found.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First of all I update git repository and change
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the "fiware_rel_4.x" branch to create the WAR file with the maven
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> command: mvn install -DdownloadSources=true -DskipTests=true -Pw3ds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After restarting tomcat, the geoserver seems to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work ->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   (User: admin   /   Pass: geoserver)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did not use the WAR published, I created my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own from the new github branch as you see.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So then I decided to update the test unit plan.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here I have one comment just to improve in case you want. I have checked
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that you usually use "space" on folders and files which usually is no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suitable. I refer specificly to the 4.3.2 version.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + The ZIP file has a "space" on the name what
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> requires to use ASCI character to download: wget --no-check-certificate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://forge.fiware.org/frs/download.php/1645/Test_asset_%204.3.2.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + When ZIP is decompressed, the name of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> folder has also a "space": /home/UnitTestPlan/rel\ 4.3.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + PostGIS database backup has also a "space"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the end: /home/UnitTestPlan/rel\ 4.3.2/PostGIS_database_backup\ /
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any way, I continue with the database restore.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On the PostGIS database backup, I checked on the 4.3.2 version that there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are 2 files: building_coordinates and test_asset-terrain.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The "building_coordinates" file appears to be a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> text format dump. So is this file necessary to upload to database?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The "test_asset-terrain" could be uploaded to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> postgres with the following command: pg_restore -d fiware_test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /home/UnitTestPlan/rel\ 4.3.2/PostGIS_database_backup\
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> /FIWARE-postgis-test_asset-terrain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, I receive the following errors:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PROCESSING TOC:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 184; 1259 65659 TABLE fiware_test_terrain sami
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query: ERROR:  role "sami" does not exist
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Command was: ALTER TABLE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public.fiware_test_terrain OWNER TO sami;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 183; 1259 65657 SEQUENCE fiware_test_terrain_id_seq sami
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query: ERROR:  role "sami" does not exist
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Command was: ALTER TABLE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> public.fiware_test_terrain_id_seq OWNER TO sami;
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WARNING: errors ignored on restore: 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I checked the information stored from backup on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the database and found the following tables, which I am not sure if they
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are all or there are some missing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>                      List of relations
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  Schema |            Name            |   Type
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |  Owner
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------+----------------------------+----------+----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  public | fiware_test_terrain        | table
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  | postgres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  public | fiware_test_terrain_id_seq | sequence
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | postgres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  public | geography_columns          | view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | postgres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  public | geometry_columns           | view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | postgres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  public | raster_columns             | view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | postgres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  public | raster_overviews           | view
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | postgres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  public | spatial_ref_sys            | table
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  | postgres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =================================================
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did not continue because it seems that there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are some errors that I should first understand and fix before continuing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you need something else from my side, please
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> let me know. And please, let me know if I have done something wrong.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you. Best regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-06-02 8:33 GMT+00:00 Ibon Salbidegoitia <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ibon.salbi at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Juha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry for the delay, I was busy and these last
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 days I had some problems with tomcat so I decided to format everything
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and start from the beginning to know what errors are happening.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will try to explain cronologically all the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> steps and error/bugs found.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First of all I update git repository and change
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to the "fiware_rel_4.x" branch to create the WAR file with the maven
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> command: mvn install -DdownloadSources=true -DskipTests=true -Pw3ds
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After restarting tomcat, the geoserver seems to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work ->
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   (User: admin   /   Pass: geoserver)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I did not use the WAR published, I created my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> own from the new github branch as you see.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So then I decided to update the test unit plan.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here I have one comment just to improve in case you want. I have checked
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that you usually use "space" on folders and files which usually is no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suitable. I refer specificly to the 4.3.2 version.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + The ZIP file has a "space" on the name
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what requires to use ASCI character to download: wget
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --no-check-certificate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://forge.fiware.org/frs/download.php/1645/Test_asset_%204.3.2.zip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + When ZIP is decompressed, the name of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> folder has also a "space": /home/UnitTestPlan/rel\ 4.3.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-05-26 12:49 GMT+00:00 Juha Hyvärinen <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That problem should now be fixed, code is in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the github (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/Cyberlightning/geoserver/tree/fiware_rel_4.x)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and we have also published new war file in Fiware FusionForge (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://forge.fiware.org/frs/download.php/1643/geoserver.war
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We also updated test assets and reference
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> client. Updated reference client is already available from the Github and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> test assets will be published later today or tomorrow morning to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> FusionForge under release 4.3.2 (
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://forge.fiware.org/frs/?group_id=7).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I hope that this release will fix problems you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> encountered earlier. Please report back did this solve those problems.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you for submitting these bug reports.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 9:33 AM, Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hyvärinen <juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We have looked into that problem now for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> couple of days and it seems to be somehow related to Tomcat and system
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> locale settings. We can reproduce same problem when we deploy to a Tomcat
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instance while with Jetty everything works just fine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm working with the fix now, but there is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also a workaround: deploy war package to a Jetty instance.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will notify you once I have pushed code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> changes to git.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hyvärinen <juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I also forgot to mention that you should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> move to newer test client which we will release officially during summer,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but code is already available from the Github:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/Cyberlightning/Cyber-WeX
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Client code can be found from here:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/Cyberlightning/Cyber-WeX/tree/master/GIS/GIS_Client_xml3d
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hyvärinen <juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have to admit that I'm clueless with that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> terrain problem, since I couldn't replicate it. Everything seems to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> right at the server side but still data is somehow corrupted when it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arrives to the client. We have deployed that same data set without any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> problems to more than 20 different systems by many different users during
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our internal development and testing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are still few points which you could
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> try.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Install newer PostGIS version for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> example from Ubuntu repositories instead of manually build one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Try our upcoming release of Geoserver
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from Github. This shouldn't be difficult, since you already build your own
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> version.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you used git to clone code earlier, you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only need to pull new changes from the repository and change code branch
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from fiware to fiware_rel_4.x (git pull && git checkout fiware_rel_4.x) and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rebuild project.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also I created database dump from building
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coordinates table and it's as an attachment. We will add it also to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> assets and update documentation once we have little spare time to do it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table can be restored with command: sudo -u postgres psql databasename <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> path/to/the/file.sql
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before restoring that dumb, change URLs in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it to point a place where you actually have that xml file. At the moment
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> URL is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://localhost/Test_asset/Building_model/building.xml
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 1:09 PM, Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Salbidegoitia <ibon.salbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Juha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are right, I forgot to edit the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tomcat7 default start-up configuration file.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now is using openJDK.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-05-21 9:36 GMT+00:00 Juha Hyvärinen <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Could you restart tomcat again since it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> still uses Oracle java 1.8.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> - Juha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 10:57 AM, Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Salbidegoitia <ibon.salbi at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Juha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I checked that tomcat was down due to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> low xmx size. I restarted and modify xmx to avoid errors.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asnwering to your comments:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + Please let me know when  you update
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the documentation to check importin building coordinates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + I imported with following command
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of postgres:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          $ su - postgres
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          $ createdb fiware_test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>          $ pg_restore -d fiware_test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ./Test_asset_3.3/PostGIS_database_backup\ /FIWARE-postgis-test_asset
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>       Because I am using remote server I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cannot use pgadmin, but the import was correct without errors and I checked
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that the data was correct.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    + I am using Oracle java (1.8.0_31),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so I will change it to openJDK7 as you recommend. Now is changed to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> openJDK7 to version 1.7.0_79
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As I said, the Geoserver is active, so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can check on it whatever you want.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ibon
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2015-05-21 6:56 GMT+00:00 Juha Hyvärinen
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Ibon,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I was looking into those errors you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reported but your server went down before I could figure out any final
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> solution. Here are m
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Juha Hyvärinen
>>>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>>>>>>>> Cyberlightning Ltd.
>>>>>>>>>>>> email. juha.hyvarinen at cyberlightning.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> See our new press release:
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://cyberlightning.com/blog/2014/05/13/cyberlightning-brings-3d-visualization-to-industrial-internet-of-things/
>>>>>>>>>>>> www.cyberlightning.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> This e-mail and all attached material are confidential and may
>>>>>>>>>>>> contain legally privileged information. If you are not the intended
>>>>>>>>>>>> recipient, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail from your system
>>>>>>>>>>>> without producing, distributing or retaining copies thereof.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Sami Jylkkä
>>>>>>>>>> Cyberlightning Ltd.
>>>>>>>>>> www.cyberlightning.com
>>>>>>>>>> Skype: sami_jylkka
>>>>>>>>>> This e-mail and all attached material are confidential and may
>>>>>>>>>> contain legally privileged information. If you are not the intended
>>>>>>>>>> recipient, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail from your system
>>>>>>>>>> without producing, distributing or retaining copies thereof.
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Sami Jylkkä
>>>>>>>> Cyberlightning Ltd.
>>>>>>>> www.cyberlightning.com
>>>>>>>> Skype: sami_jylkka
>>>>>>>> This e-mail and all attached material are confidential and may
>>>>>>>> contain legally privileged information. If you are not the intended
>>>>>>>> recipient, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail from your system
>>>>>>>> without producing, distributing or retaining copies thereof.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Sami Jylkkä
>>>>>> Cyberlightning Ltd.
>>>>>> www.cyberlightning.com
>>>>>> Skype: sami_jylkka
>>>>>> This e-mail and all attached material are confidential and may
>>>>>> contain legally privileged information. If you are not the intended
>>>>>> recipient, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail from your system
>>>>>> without producing, distributing or retaining copies thereof.
>>> --
>>> Sami Jylkkä
>>> Cyberlightning Ltd.
>>> www.cyberlightning.com
>>> Skype: sami_jylkka
>>> This e-mail and all attached material are confidential and may contain
>>> legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient,
>>> please contact the sender and delete the e-mail from your system without
>>> producing, distributing or retaining copies thereof.
> --
> Sami Jylkkä
> Cyberlightning Ltd.
> www.cyberlightning.com
> Skype: sami_jylkka
> This e-mail and all attached material are confidential and may contain
> legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient,
> please contact the sender and delete the e-mail from your system without
> producing, distributing or retaining copies thereof.
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