[Fiware-fiops-filab] Messages to be delivered regarding FI-WARE/FI-OPS/FI-LAB brands_Teleconference and status

Nuria De-Lama Sanchez nuria.delama at atos.net
Wed Nov 13 13:52:55 CET 2013

Hi all,

Let me confirm that I can also make it at 17:30 and in principle -based on my discussions with Juanjo- we will meet today at 17:30. Access details enclosed again for your convenience:


*           PIN: 050662 

*           local dial-in phone numbers: http://pdf.powwownow.com/pdf/USA_en_pwn-dial-in-numbers.pdf 


Then, let me point out some issues to help organizing the pending topics:

·         Discussion about messages: to be clarified this afternoon between FI-WARE and XIFI people

·         Contract of the stand: confirmed; Telefónica is completing the contract and everything is under control with the organizers

·         Speech in program conference à after some problems I think I managed to confirm it

·         Branding and decoration of the stand

o    The person from FI-WARE dealing with Smart City Expo is Ángeles Tejado, from Ogilvy. She is talking to the people in Barcelona and will reflect the conclusions of today's meeting into the stand preparations

o    We have a shopping list from XIFI related to the equipment. Apparently some issues may be missing from this list, but either Angeles or myself or both will contact Jacques to sort it out

o    This list will be completed with the rest of the equipment needed by FI-WARE. 

·         Attendees: list of XIFI people already sent to the organizers; FI-WARE attendees missing (but this is our task)


Thanks a lot for your cooperation and  I hope this clarifies the status of the different activities.



Nuria de Lama


Research & Innovation 

Representative to the European Commission


T +34 91214 9321

F +34 91754 3252 

nuria.delama at atos.net

Albarracín 25

28037 Madrid


www.atosresearch.eu <http://www.atosresearch.eu/> 




IMPORTANT - MAIL ADDRESS CHANGE - From now on, please use only mail address nuria.delama at atos.net  

The former @atosresearch.eu address will be cancelled soon


From: fiware-fiops-filab-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-fiops-filab-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] On Behalf Of Monique Calisti | Martel Consulting
Sent: miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013 10:45
To: fiware-fiops-filab at lists.fi-ware.eu
Subject: Re: [Fiware-fiops-filab] R: R: Messages to be delivered regarding FI-WARE/FI-OPS/FI-LAB brands


17:30h today fine with me too.


On 13.11.2013 10:40, Cecchi Maurizio wrote:

	It is ok for me today at 17.30, not at 11.30




	Da: Juanjo Hierro [mailto:jhierro at tid.es] 
	Inviato: mercoledì 13 novembre 2013 10:37
	A: Cecchi Maurizio; Jacques Magen (InterInnov); fiware-fiops-filab at lists.fi-ware.eu
	Oggetto: Re: R: [Fiware-fiops-filab] Messages to be delivered regarding FI-WARE/FI-OPS/FI-LAB brands


	  Tomorrow won't work for me and I believe we should solve things today because it may be too late.
	  Today I'm traveling to Berlin.   My flight departs at 13:05 and lands at 16:05.   Therefore I propose the following timeslots:

	*	11:30am today (I would connect on my way to the airport) 
	*	17:30pm also today (I guess I will be already in the hotel by that time) 

	   We can activate a powwownow bridge if that works for you:

	*	PIN: 050662 
	*	local dial-in phone numbers: http://pdf.powwownow.com/pdf/USA_en_pwn-dial-in-numbers.pdf


	-- Juanjo

	Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
	website: www.tid.es
	email: jhierro at tid.es
	twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
	FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator 
	and Chief Architect
	FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
	You can follow FI-WARE at:
	  website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
	  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
	  twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
	  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932

	On 13/11/13 09:55, Cecchi Maurizio wrote:

		Dear all,

		regarding this matter I would suggest to have an audioConf tomorrow in order to decide together the best solution,

		I will be available from 10.00  to  16.30



		Da: fiware-fiops-filab-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu [mailto:fiware-fiops-filab-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu] Per conto di Jacques Magen (InterInnov)
		Inviato: mercoledì 13 novembre 2013 09:45
		A: Juanjo Hierro; fiware-fiops-filab at lists.fi-ware.eu
		Oggetto: Re: [Fiware-fiops-filab] Messages to be delivered regarding FI-WARE/FI-OPS/FI-LAB brands


		Dear Juanjo,
		We thank you for your effort to come up in time with a common solution for the stand. As we already told you we have already our own material i.e. poster and leaflets. From our perspective they are quite complementary to what you propose: our poster (attached) can be displayed along the one you suggest in your slide 3 "Infographic about FI-LAB for Smart Cities" (our poster is size A0) -or somewhere else. 
		The only concern we have is the slide 2 "the wall with the mosaic" which is a little too much FI-WARE oriented. I would suggest that Ogilvy could work with Miguel Alarcon from Martel in cc to make sure that the wall and the logos are designed in a way that it can look at the same time like FI-WARE design and like XIFI design (not sure how to do that but they should know better). "FI-LAB" as a "title" for the stand is fine (we are referring to FI-LAB in our leaflets as well).
		Concerning the large screen we have ordered one already; with such a large booth maybe we could accommodate for two screens and display in parallel on the two screens information and videos from both projects (as already said we have a video, a presentation, and also the XiPi demo). But maybe Ogilvy has another idea?
		Best regards,
		Jacques (and all the XIFI team working on this)


		Jacques Magen

		jmagen at interinnov.eu

		Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 6 28 98 05 41

		www.interinnov.eu <http://www.interinnov.eu>  

		Twitter: @interinnov_eu <http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu> 

		Skype: jacques.magen


		Le 13/11/2013 03:18, Juanjo Hierro a écrit :

			Hi Jacques and the rest,
			  I know that we face a tight time frame but I believe that it is worth to give it a try in order to be able to end up with a stand that looks as homogeneous as possible.   I believe that the solution is not to go for a "XiFi corner" ... we have to go for a more integrated stand.
			  Please find attached a powerpoint with the layout of the stand and how I would propose "dressing it" with in a way that both projects can feel comfortable with.   Essentially, the proposal can be summarized as follows:

			*	Print an infographic about FI-LAB and Smart Cities that can cover one of the walls (2x3 squares).   This is rather neutral since FI-LAB is the brand which is not so clearly bound to any project and indeed the more appealing messages we can delivered at the Expo are about FI-LAB.   
			*	Create a mosaic with the three brands in the wall (4x3 squares) where we would place the plasma TV.   This should be also rather neutral since we are positioning the three brands at the same level.   I hope we can agree to share this TV to display videos produced by the two projects. 
			*	Use FI-LAB as the brand to title the stand (top banners of the stand). 
			*	Use FI-LAB as the brand to dress the reception desk 

			  I did ask Ogilvy to come with a specific proposal for the infographic that we can share and discuss, hopefully being able to reach a quick agreement.   You can find it in the enclosed powerpoint.   I have some minor comments for some paragraphs, but I wanted to share it already with you because I believe is rather close to something that can work.
			  The icons in the FI-LAB and FI-OPS logos are just something I created quickly ... I also asked Ogilvy for some proposal and it's fine that you propose them as well, particularly for FI-OPS.
			  We are working about the design of another infographic elaborating on the meaning of the three brands.   We may not be able to generate it on time but we will try to make it asap and share it with you to gather your feedback.   Maybe it is not feasible to get it printed on any of the walls, but we can bring it in a portable vertical banner ...
			  Hope it works.   Your feedback is welcome.
			-- Juanjo
			On 12/11/13 12:23, Jacques Magen (InterInnov) wrote:

				Dear Juanjo and all,
				I would like to make sure that we split the two following issues:
				1) The general discussion about branding;
				2) The specific logistics around the Smart City Expo.
				My purpose is to discuss in this message only issue #2; issue #1 is under the responsibility of Maurizio (within XIFI). 
				What we agreed with Nuria last week in Vilnius concerning the Expo is the following: considering the tight time frame and the fact that we in XIFI have already prepared specific material for this Expo and ordered specific material in addition to our stand (see below and attached), we will take our place in the FI-WARE stand, share PR material with you (leaflets + posters) and welcome FI-WARE materiel so that the stand looks like one. We will have our "XIFI corner" with the large screen and the posters. In our material FI-LAB is explicitly mentioned already. We will show on the 42" screen the following: a specific XIFI video targeting smart cities; a generic presentation; and the XiPi demo whenever relevant -please note that FI-LAB is now included in XiPi (it will become visible this week). We can of course show also FI-WARE/FI-LAB video(s) and presentations if needed, and we can provide you with our video material if you have other large screens available.
				The next thing is to know who is in charge of the stand, for the last logistics issue. Please send us asap the contact coordinates (is it someone from Ogilvy?). We need the following in particular:
				- What is the booth location and number -we need this to go there and also to advertise this week. 
				- We need to discuss the arrangements on the stand to make sure where we set up everything.
				- We need the 10 exhibition passes (see XIFI list of participants below).
				Thank you in advance and best regards,
				XIFI participants:
				Monique Calisti; Miguel Alarcón; Giulia Pastor; Eduard Escalona; Roberto Gavazzi; Jose Gonzalez; Joan A. Garcia; Andrea Rossi; Fernando Garcia.
				monique.calisti at martel-consulting.ch; miguel.alarcon at martel-consulting.ch; gpastor at interinnov.eu; eduard.escalona at i2cat.net; roberto.gavazzi at telecomitalia.it; jge at gatv.ssr.upm.es;
				joan.antoni.garcia at i2cat.net; andrea.rossi at atos.net; fgp at gatv.ssr.upm.es
				Shopping list (attached):

				*	42" PLASMA SCREEN + DVD (region 2), ID: 509117 
				*	WIFI ENTIRE EVENT, 5 USERS, ID: 512054 
				*	1.2 KW 220V DAY TIME SWITCHBOARD, ID 5060001 



				Jacques Magen

				jmagen at interinnov.eu

				Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 6 28 98 05 41

				www.interinnov.eu <http://www.interinnov.eu>  

				Twitter: @interinnov_eu <http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu> 

				Skype: jacques.magen


				Le 12/11/2013 01:59, Juanjo Hierro a écrit :

					Hi all,
					  I welcome you to this list which will be used to support daily work within Task Forces dealing with marketing of the FI-WARE/FI-OPS/FI-LAB brands at identified events.
					  The first of these Task Forces have to do with marketing of those brands in the Smart City World Expo event in Barcelona taking place on November 19-21.
					  One fundamental axiom we should build our messages upon is that we should never talk about projects.   We should develop our marketing messages around products/results.   Projects will end sooner or later (indeed sooner than later) while we expect that products/results are there to stay.     The brands that are relevant for us (FI-WARE, FI-OPS and FI-LAB) refer to products/results and are there to stay even once our respective projects have ended.   
					  The following is a summary of key messages that I believe we can bring and we should be aligned with:

					*	Generic messages (not linked to Smart Cities): 

					*	FI-WARE refers to the technology that application developers can use to build Future Internet applications (i.e., target audience of FI-WARE are application developers) 
					*	FI-OPS refers to the tools that FI-WARE Instance providers can use to operate FI-WARE Instances (i.e., target audience of FI-OPS are Platform Providers) 
					*	FI-LAB is the cornerstone element of the open innovation ecosystem that we aim to build.  It is the meeting point that allow application developers (with special attention to entrepreneurs) to meet application sponsors (those who wanna invest on applications or acquire them to run their business or offer those applications to their customers) and viceversa 
					*	FI-LAB is a FI-WARE Instance deployed over a number of datacenter nodes distributed and federated across Europe.  As such, is an example where FI-WARE and FI-OPS are put at work: 

					*	FI-WARE technologies are made available to application developers in FI-LAB for experimentation/testing/trialing 
					*	FI-OPS tools are being used by the organizations operating FI-LAB nodes in order to run their operations effectively 

					*	Specific messages linked to Smart Cities to be delivered in the Smart City World Expo (note that some of these messages may be extrapolated to other specific vertical sector such as Smart Agrifood, Smart Logistics, etc) 

					*	FI-WARE and FI-OPS together bring the core enablers and operation support tools of a target Smart City platform.   
					*	FI-WARE technologies will ease development of: 

					*	innovative solutions helping cities to manage their services more efficiently (e.g., garbage collection, furniture maintenance, etc) 
					*	innovative application/services that can be delivered to citizens (e.g., application that ease car driving or usage of public transport in the city) 
					*	portals/platform for publication of Open APIs and Open Data that developers can use to develop applications 

					*	The FI-OPS suite of tools will ease operation of a Smart City platform based on FI-WARE technologies 
					*	Cities can connect to FI-LAB putting their open data at work within that space: 

					*	Entrepreneurs can use the open data available in FI-LAB to build innovation solutions and application/services they can showcase to cities 
					*	Cities can make a deal with entrepreneurs showcasing the most interesting solutions or application/services  

					*	By connecting to FI-LAB, cities can benefit from the visibility and promotion (marketing campaigns, success stories) planned for that space 
					*	There is no open innovation ecosystem a single city can build on their own: FI-LAB offers cities the opportunity to join forces and gain the necessary scale and level of awareness among the wide community of developers 

					  I would go for designing a number of slogans/messages as well as marketing materials (posters, design of space in the stand) targeted to Smart Cities to integrate in our stand.  Can Ogilvy and those who XiFi designate make some first proposals ?
					  Messages should be appealing and easy to understand by City policy makers or press media.   The above messages should be fine tuned in this respect.   Focus should be in FI-LAB, because it is rather tangible and it brings a differential value, but the messages explaining what is FI-WARE and what is FI-OPS should be present somewhere.   After all, FI-LAB is just for experimentation: a city has to build or use a production-level FI-WARE Instance, operated using the FI-OPS suite of tools, where it can port solutions and application/services once they have been tried in FI-LAB.
					  Regarding logos, we need to close:

					*	what icon will be used for FI-LAB (Ogilvy) 
					*	what slogan will be used for FI-LAB - "The dream comes true" ? (Ogilvy) 
					*	what icon will be used for FI-OPS (who from XiFi ? ... Ogilvy could make a proposal if that works for XiFi but I don't want overrule XiFi here) 
					*	what slogan will be used for FI-OPS (someone from XiFi as above) 

					  Ogilvy are the experts, but I understand that while icons and slogans can differ among the different brands, typography, colors and other branding material (e.g., ribbons) should be common to ease understanding that we are talking about a set of related brands.
					  Best regards,

					-- Juanjo
					Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
					website: www.tid.es
					email: jhierro at tid.es
					twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro
					FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator 
					and Chief Architect
					FI-PPP Architecture Board chairman
					You can follow FI-WARE at:
					  website:  http://www.fi-ware.eu
					  facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
					  twitter:  http://twitter.com/FIware
					  linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932



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Dr. Monique Calisti
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