[Fiware-foundation-info] Proposal to ICT-12.b call on FIWARE ecosystem creation

Federico Alvarez federico.alvarez at upm.es
Tue Apr 5 10:30:25 CEST 2016

Hi Pierre-Yves,

thanks! Hope you can fill in data for 2 participants with the same 
e-mail address... if not let me know.

Kind regards,

El 05/04/2016 a las 10:28, pierreyves.danet at orange.com escribió:
> Hi Fede,
> I am the interim contact for the FIWARE Foundation
> We have to write the text to present the FIWARE foundation as well as 
> the description of the contribution, hope we can provide it to you 
> very soon
> PY
> *De :*fiware-foundation-info-bounces at lists.fiware.org 
> [mailto:fiware-foundation-info-bounces at lists.fiware.org] *De la part 
> de* Federico Alvarez
> *Envoyé :* mardi 5 avril 2016 10:25
> *À :* Jacques Magen (InterInnov); Juanjo Hierro
> fiware-foundation-info at lists.fiware.org
> *Objet :* Re: [Fiware-foundation-info] Proposal to ICT-12.b call on 
> FIWARE ecosystem creation
> In addition Nuria de Lama wanted to discuss some activities ATOS could 
> perform in the Foundation concerning this proposal.
> I suggest you keep in touch for this matter.
> I will add you to the proposal in the EC system, but I need 
> confirmation on the contact to use for the portal. Is it you Juanjo?
> In addition information for some parts of the proposal related to 
> dissemination/exploitation and contribution to some sections should be 
> provided. Can I count on you for the duties?
> Regards,
> Fede
> El 05/04/2016 a las 9:45, Jacques Magen (InterInnov) escribió:
>     Dear Juanjo,
>     The Foundation is integrated into the proposal, almost exclusively
>     on communication activities, as you requested. Pierre-Yves and
>     Stefano are part of the proposal as well as Luis Ignacio and Estan
>     for TID as you know. Fede will register formally the Foundation as
>     a partner with the EC tool. We will update the monthly rate in our
>     budget sheet (currently the budget for the Foundation is around
>     200 K€).
>     Please send me asap a description of the activities of the FIWARE
>     Press Office. I will send you later today the description we have
>     put for the Foundation in section4-5 for finalisation.
>     Thank you and best regards,
>     Jacques
>     --
>     Jacques Magen
>     *jmagen at interinnov.eu <mailto:jmagen at interinnov.eu>*
>     Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 7 60 46 50 23
>     www.interinnov.eu <http://www.interinnov.eu>
>     Twitter: @interinnov_eu <http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu>
>     Skype: jacques.magen
>     Le 05/04/2016 07:09, Juanjo Hierro a écrit :
>         Dear Federico,
>           Any news on this matter ?
>           Finally we got the PIC number for the FIWARE Foundation:
>         919308965
>           For the direct costs per PM, you may consider 7000 €
>           We can provide a description of the activities of the FIWARE
>         Press Office.
>           Note: For your convenience and regarding matters about
>         integration of the FIWARE Foundation in the proposal, you can
>         contact any of the following contacts of the FIWARE Foundation
>         Founder companies.   You can also use the
>         fiware-foundation-info at lists.fiware.org
>         <mailto:fiware-foundation-info at lists.fiware.org> mailing list,
>         which can work as kind of help-desk for requesting any info or
>         assistance:
>           * Nuria De-Lama <nuria.delama at atos.net>
>             <mailto:nuria.delama at atos.net> (Atos)
>           * Stefano De Panfilis <Stefano.DePanfilis at eng.it>
>             <mailto:Stefano.DePanfilis at eng.it> (Engineering)
>           * Pierre Yves Danet <pierreyves.danet at orange.com>
>             <mailto:pierreyves.danet at orange.com> (Orange)
>           * Juanjo Hierro <juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
>             <mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com> (Telefónica)
>           Cheers,
>         -- Juanjo
>         ______________________________________________________
>         Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform
>         IoT Unit, Telefónica
>         email:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
>         <mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
>         twitter: @JuanjoHierro
>         You can follow FIWARE at:
>            website:http://www.fiware.org
>            twitter:  @FIWARE
>            facebook:http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>            linkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
>         On 24/03/16 13:46, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
>             On 24/03/16 13:16, Jacques Magen (InterInnov) wrote:
>                 Dear Juanjo,
>                 Thank you for the very good explanation which helps
>                 me/us understand the whole picture better. I just
>                 discussed with Fede and we agree on the following:
>                 - We take the Foundation on board, and we give them
>                 the responsibility for promotion and communication
>                 activities, and we will also include the Foundation in
>                 the management activities for the interaction with the
>                 other projects and bodies. Please send Fede the PIC
>                 number as soon as it is available (if not yet). Also
>                 who is the contact person and the resources that will
>                 be in the Foundation and that will be mentioned in the
>                 proposal? It cannot be you and any of us, it should be
>                 dedicated personnel. Please think about this and let
>                 us know how to proceed in this respect. I had a
>                 similar issue with the 5G Infrastructure Association,
>                 I can check how we did it and we could follow the same
>                 path maybe -I will look into that -except if you have
>                 another idea, then let me know.
>                 For the budget let's see where we stand next week, we
>                 are currently finalizing all WPs and Tasks and the
>                 various sections of the proposal and we will come up
>                 with a first provisional budget shortly.
>               Ok.  Sounds good.  I don't have a strong position
>             regarding how to handle the matter on contact person and
>             resources, so happy to learn how you has handled it
>             related to the 5G infrastructure association. Let's
>             discuss the details about budget next week.
>             - We understand your concern about the coverage of all
>             issues in the bullet point that we are addressing, but
>             actually when reading the call text for this topic we will
>             be addressing all aspects, from the international
>             perspective. We assume that the iHubs proposal will also
>             address all aspects, from a European perspective. In this
>             sense merging would only lose the focus of each of the
>             proposals. If you tell us who is coordinating the iHubs
>             proposal we can coordinate with them and make sure we have
>             complementary activities, but we consider that merging is
>             not a good solution at this stage.
>               Ok.  If you believe you are safe, I don't complain.   I
>             understand that it would be difficult to merge.   My
>             concern was more that both get disqualified because none
>             were  presenting a complete proposal, but if you feel
>             safe, that's fine.
>               What it is important is that combining the two proposals
>             you don't go higher than 3 M€ ... I'm talking to people
>             coordinating the proposal from iHubs so I guess it should
>             not be difficult to coordinate on that.
>             Thank you again and let's hope we will all have at the end
>             the best possible projects that will be nicely
>             coordinating with each other.
>               Thanks to you.  Cheers,
>             -- Juanjo
>             Best regards,
>             Jacques
>             --
>             Jacques Magen
>             *jmagen at interinnov.eu <mailto:jmagen at interinnov.eu>*
>             Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 7 60 46 50 23
>             www.interinnov.eu <http://www.interinnov.eu>
>             Twitter: @interinnov_eu <http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu>
>             Skype: jacques.magen
>             Le 24/03/2016 00:58, Juanjo Hierro a écrit :
>                 On 22/03/16 14:48, Jacques Magen (InterInnov) wrote:
>                     Dear Juanjo,
>                     Thank you for your email. Indeed I am coordinating
>                     a proposal for ICT12a.ii (12.b is the RIA) that
>                     UPM (Fede in cc) will coordinate, as is the case
>                     for the current FI-LINKS project where I am
>                     leading the international activities but where
>                     Fede is the overall coordinator.
>                     We are grateful for your support to FIWARE Mundus
>                     and to a continuation of our activities. You are
>                     raising three important issues i.e. 1) the
>                     coordination among ICT12a proposals, 2) the
>                     participation of the FIWARE Foundation, and 3) the
>                     communication activities.
>                     _1) Coordination among ICT12a proposals_
>                     As you can imagine, we discussed several times
>                     with the EC about our proposal. They made it very
>                     clear that they want proposals focusing on one
>                     bullet point (in our case 12a.ii), that they want
>                     from us a proposal focusing on international
>                     activities, and that they are expecting another
>                     proposal on European regional activities from
>                     iHubs. They also clearly told us that the budget
>                     for each proposal shall not be more than 1.2 M€,
>                     as they are planning to accept between 2 and 4
>                     proposals addressing 12a.ii. In this sense we do
>                     agree that the two proposals shall not have a
>                     total budget beyond 3 M€, we will be targeting
>                     between 1.2 and 1.5 on our side and we expect the
>                     iHubs proposal to do the same.
>                     Merging with the iHubs proposal would be
>                     contradictory to this feedback that we have got.
>                     Besides, we believe that there is a risk that such
>                     a merged proposal would lose the focus that is
>                     required. So at this stage we are hesitant about
>                     your suggestion, also because there is less than
>                     one month before the deadline and our proposal is
>                     already quite advanced and would need to be
>                     completely reshaped probably -not to mention
>                     adding new partners.
>                   I have had some informal conversations with the EC
>                 this week.   Last one yesterday.
>                   They told me they are looking for proposals that
>                 cover each of the 4 goals within ICT-12.a in its full
>                 extend.   That's why I see some risk.
>                 However coordination between projects is indeed very
>                 important. In our understanding, there is a project
>                 that will support the FIWARE Foundation that should
>                 address ICT12.a.iii. and this project should take care
>                 of the coordination between the various ICT12a
>                 projects. We are fully ready to take a small part in
>                 this project i.e. UPM and InterInnov on the FIWARE
>                 Mundus chapter, in order to make sure that FIWARE
>                 Mundus keeps a consistent approach and is fully in
>                 line with the priorities of the Foundation (while we
>                 would also contribute to those priorities at
>                 international level). We think that involving someone
>                 from iHubs would also be good to take care of the
>                 European regional chapter -and probably the same for
>                 the accelerators.
>                   You seem to have a wrong assumption regarding
>                 ICT-12.a.iii.   ICT-12.a.iii is not about funding the
>                 FIWARE Foundation or about activities of the FIWARE
>                 Foundation.   Please read the text call and you will
>                 immediately realize that.
>                   On the other hand, goals ii to iv under ICT-12.a
>                 have to do with supporting activities that would be
>                 carried out by members of the FIWARE Community. They
>                 map rather nicely, and would help to give continuity,
>                 to activities linked to the 5 pillar programmes of the
>                 FIWARE initative defined in
>                 https://www.fiware.org/about-us/. Actually:
>                   * Continuity of FIWARE and FIWARE Lab activities
>                     would be supported in ICT-12.a.iii
>                   * Continuity of the FIWARE Mundus and FIWARE iHub
>                     programmes activities would be supported in
>                     ICT-12.a.ii
>                   * Continuity of the FIWARE Accelerator programme
>                     activities would be supported in ICT-12.a.iv
>                   The FIWARE Foundation, on the other hand, is aimed
>                 at supporting activities of the FIWARE Community,
>                 therefore activities linked to the 5 mentioned
>                 pillars.   The necessary funding to cover resources of
>                 the Foundation to get involved and therefore ensure
>                 proper support and coordination of activities in the 5
>                 pillars should naturally come from projects funded
>                 linked to the ICT-12.ii-iv objectives and not just
>                 ICT-12.iii
>                   It's time now for those who believe in the FIWARE
>                 initiative and lead activities linked to the five
>                 pillars of FIWARE to take responsibility and
>                 contribute to the sustainability of the FIWARE
>                 Foundation.   Because of that, we are recommending
>                 submitters of proposals to the different subcalls to
>                 incorporate resources within their projects to be
>                 assigned to the FIWARE Foundation as a partner. Such
>                 resources should cover the corresponding involvement
>                 of the Press Office in the different programmes
>                 (FIWARE, FIWARE Lab, FIWARE iHub, FIWARE Mundus,
>                 FIWARE Accelerator programmes).   Devoting the funding
>                 of 1 FTE/year to the FIWARE Foundation for
>                 coordination purposes as well as 10% of the overall
>                 funding to FIWARE Press Office activities seem like a
>                 reasonable approach).   I can tell you that we plan to
>                 give away more resources within the proposal that we
>                 will submit to ICT-12.a.iii, but the rest of proposals
>                 should approach this figures IMHO.
>                   Again, based on informal conversations hold with the
>                 EC, I feel that they will welcome proposals submitted
>                 to each of the the ICT-12.a goals that incorporate
>                 resources assigned to the FIWARE Foundation.   You can
>                 contact Jesus, Peter, Ragnar or Arian to double-check.
>                   I believe, on the other hand, that proposals that
>                 will bring the FIWARE Foundation on board will have
>                 higher chances to succeed.  Of course, this is my
>                 personal opinion.
>                 Then at proposal stage even if we do not merge there
>                 is the possibility to interact among proposals and
>                 make sure we are not overlapping. This may be a more
>                 feasible solution -I mean between the ICT12a.ii
>                 proposals from FIWARE Mundus and iHubs, and the
>                 ICT12a.iii proposal.
>                   As explained, the more urgent/critical matter is
>                 that of incorporating resources of the FIWARE
>                 Foundation in the proposal.   Merging might look
>                 difficult, you simply have to balance the risk of not
>                 doing so.  I have been told by the EC that proposals
>                 targeted to each of the ICT-12.a.x goals will be
>                 evaluated against all objectives of the targeted
>                 ICT-12.a.x goal.   In other words, they have to be
>                 "complete".   If the EC coach the evaluators in that
>                 direction, then you are incurring into a serious risk.
>                   I would kindly suggest that you contact the EC
>                 regarding the two points: about completeness of
>                 proposals and the fact that the EC will welcome that
>                 proposals incorporate resources assigned to the FIWARE
>                 Foundation (including Press Office activities).  This
>                 way you will get feedback directly.
>                 _2) Participation of the FIWARE Foundation
>                 _
>                 Making the FIWARE Foundation a partner in the proposal
>                 is definitely welcome. At this stage as you know there
>                 are 5 partners in the proposal: UPM, InterInnov, TID,
>                 Engineering and ATOS. As you can see there are three
>                 of the four founding members of the Foundation. If the
>                 Foundation was to appear as such in the proposal, then
>                 it should be replacing some of the activities
>                 currently planned for TID, Engineering or Orange, not
>                 in addition to those. This way it would be clear that
>                 there is a tight integration between the Foundation
>                 and the activities planned in the project, and no
>                 overlap with what TID, Engineering and Orange would do
>                 on their own.
>                   I'm not famliar with the details of the activities
>                 assigned to TID, Engineering, Orange or Atos.   i
>                 don't believe that they will run any activity that
>                 could be assumed by the Press Office. The rest of
>                 resources we recommend to assign to the FIWARE
>                 Foundation are more for coordination purposes.
>                 _3) Communication activities
>                 _
>                 Considering the tight budget, we have decided indeed
>                 to cut into the communication and promotion activities
>                 and relate on other ICT12 project that should do that.
>                 I do not know yet how much the communication
>                 activities will cost in our project but our intent is
>                 indeed to keep them in line with what we believe we
>                 can do and focus on international events and
>                 promotional activities. In this sense. We are planning
>                 to have a kind of a global FIWARE Programme a little
>                 bit similar to GCTC to encourage the development of
>                 FIWARE-based solutions all over the world, in this
>                 sense I believe that the budget dedicated to this will
>                 probably in line with the 200-300 K€ you are
>                 mentioning, maybe even more,. However going for a
>                 broader presence and sponsoring of events may once
>                 again make us lose the focus while once again there
>                 should be a FIWARE Foundation support proposal
>                 including also the current activities of the FIWARE
>                 Press Office that should be doing that.
>                     Now I am not really sure I understand why the
>                     Foundation would take care of those activities.
>                     For me as mentioned in 2 this is part of the
>                     proposal under ICT12.a.iii not ours, and then the
>                     Foundation should manage the Press Office indeed.
>                   Again your assumption that there should be a single
>                 proposal taking care of the FIWARE Foundation support,
>                 assuming all the costs covering coordination/support
>                 activities or activities of the FIWARE Press Office
>                 with regards to each of the FIWARE pillars (FIWARE
>                 Platform, FIWARE Lab, FIWARE Mundus, FIWARE iHubs,
>                 FIWARE Accelerator) is wrong.
>                 As you know I am in Washington D.C. this week at the
>                 GCTC Tech Jam, but if you want to talk on the phone
>                 with Fede about this feel free to do that. I trust
>                 that Fede and you will find the right way to proceed
>                 on all those three important issues. I shall be back
>                 in the office only next Monday (maybe Friday afternoon
>                 but not for sure). Probably the first thing we we want
>                 to do is check this once again with the EC, although
>                 at first we are rather hesitant as we are not sure it
>                 will actually increase our chances and will for sure
>                 make the next weeks more challenging.
>                   Ok.  I'll talk to Fede.  I hope that despite it's
>                 holidays he will ready to talk :-)
>                   Best regards,
>                 -- Juanjo
>                 Best regards,
>                 Jacques
>                 --
>                 Jacques Magen
>                 *jmagen at interinnov.eu <mailto:jmagen at interinnov.eu>*
>                 Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 7 60 46 50 23
>                 www.interinnov.eu <http://www.interinnov.eu>
>                 Twitter: @interinnov_eu <http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu>
>                 Skype: jacques.magen
>                 Le 22/03/2016 14:01, Juanjo Hierro a écrit :
>                     Hi Jacques,
>                       Any feedback about my previous mail below?
>                       I have a conversation with Jesus today and he
>                     has told me that an
>                     actual requirement that will be evaluated on any
>                     proposal would be that
>                     of covering ALL aspects of the corresponding goal ...
>                       I see now more clearly the need of merge between
>                     the two current
>                     ongoing proposals.
>                       Of course, the matter about incorporation of the
>                     Foundation as
>                     partner, taking care of communication activities
>                     (therefore carrying out
>                     proper coordination with the Press Office) is also
>                     rather relevant.
>                       Cheers,
>                     -- Juanjo
>                     ______________________________________________________
>                     Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform
>                     CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica
>                     email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
>                     <mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
>                     twitter: @JuanjoHierro
>                     You can follow FIWARE at:
>                       website: http://www.fiware.org
>                       twitter:  @FIWARE
>                       facebook:
>                     http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>                       linkedIn:
>                     http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
>                     On 20/03/16 20:02, Juanjo Hierro wrote:
>                     Dear Jacques,
>                       I hope you are doing well.
>                       Based on conversations hold with Luis Ignacio, I
>                     understand that you
>                     are leading the preparation of a proposal to the
>                     ICT-12.b call on the
>                     topic of "FIWARE ecosystem creation", trying to
>                     give continuity to
>                     activities under the FIWARE mundus programme.
>                       This looks very fine.  You know that I'm the
>                     first who has advocated
>                     for FIWARE mundus to work as a stable programme
>                     and describe it as a
>                     pillar of the FIWARE initiative in all official
>                     documents describing
>                     the FIWARE initiative.   Therefore, I certainly
>                     support the idea of
>                     FIWARE mundus activities being funded under ICT-12
>                     Innovation Actions.
>                       I guess you know that relevant partners behind
>                     the FIWARE iHubs
>                     programme are, on the other hand, also preparing a
>                     proposal to
>                     ICT-12.b.  It is true that such proposal would not
>                     overlap with the
>                     one focused on FIWARE mundus.   After all, the
>                     FIWARE mundus and
>                     FIWARE iHubs programme were defined to be
>                     complementary with not that
>                     much overlapping.  However, I'm concerned that the
>                     two proposals, if
>                     presented separately, reduce their chances to be
>                     selected against any
>                     other proposal that may be submitted to the same
>                     objective with a more
>                     holistic approach (i.e., covering all aspects
>                     regarding FIWARE
>                     ecosystem creation).  This might be very well the
>                     case because each of
>                     the two will not address the whole objective
>                     (objective ii) while a
>                     third may go for addressing it all ...
>                       I would like to propose that the two proposals
>                     merge in only one
>                     which can be evaluated as completely addressing
>                     the targeted
>                     objective.   I can help in achieving such merge.
>                     By merging the two
>                     proposals, we believe that there will be more
>                     chances to succeed and
>                     synergies can be put in place.   In this respect,
>                     we believe that a
>                     proposal derived from such merge should not be
>                     requesting more than
>                     2,5-3 M€ (3 M€ would be absolutely maximum).
>                       In addition to this, and in any case, I would
>                     like to encourage you
>                     to incorporate participation of the FIWARE
>                     foundation as partner.
>                     This would be feasible since the FIWARE Foundation
>                     founders (Atos,
>                     Engineering, Orange and Telefónica) have agreed to
>                     obtain a PIC for
>                     the FIWARE foundation which would allow it to join
>                     as partner despite
>                     not yet created (this option was actually
>                     double-checked with the
>                     EC).    One benefit of it is that this would allow
>                     communication
>                     activities to be subcontracted by the Foundation,
>                     which as non-profit
>                     organization would get 100% funded.   We would
>                     also encourage you that
>                     an effort of at least 200-300 K€ of the funding is
>                     booked for
>                     communication activities as part of FIWARE Mundus
>                     activities.  That
>                     would allow to be present as sponsor, and produce
>                     all the necessary
>                     material as well as the design of a visible booth,
>                     in relevant events.
>                       What are your thoughts?  Should we work for the
>                     merge?  Would you
>                     agree with incorporation of the FIWARE Foundation
>                     and the assignment
>                     of budget/funding to it dealing with communication
>                     activities?
>                       Cheers,
>                     -- Juanjo
>                     ______________________________________________________
>                     Coordinator and Chief Architect, FIWARE platform
>                     CTO Industrial IoT, Telefónica
>                     email: juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com
>                     <mailto:juanjose.hierro at telefonica.com>
>                     twitter: @JuanjoHierro
>                     You can follow FIWARE at:
>                       website: http://www.fiware.org
>                       twitter:  @FIWARE
>                       facebook:
>                     http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242
>                       linkedIn:
>                     http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932
>                     ________________________________
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