[Fiware-foundation-info] Information from our US "partner" -for your feedback please

Jacques Magen (InterInnov) jmagen at interinnov.eu
Mon Apr 18 12:01:59 CEST 2016

Dear all,

We have received the following from Urban Systems, with whom we are 
working with in the US (Portland):

> I met with the folks from sidewalk labs <http://www.sidewalklabs.com/> 
> on Friday. Have you had any discussions with them. As you probably 
> know they are a Google company. They seem to be building something 
> like FIWARE and I explored the possibility of joining forces rather 
> than competing. Is this of interest at your end? I will be happy to 
> carry this forward if you support the discussions.

I responded that we would consult with you and then come back to them. I 
would appreciate your feedback.

Thank you and best regards,


Jacques Magen

*jmagen at interinnov.eu*

Tel.: +33 9 81 03 98 49 / +33 7 60 46 50 23

www.interinnov.eu <http://www.interinnov.eu>

Twitter: @interinnov_eu <http://twitter.com/interinnov_eu>

Skype: jacques.magen

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