[FIWARE-Foundation-Legal-TaskForce] R: URGENT: proposal to change start time of our fridays meeting

Fransson Frida frida.fransson at eng.it
Wed Mar 9 11:01:13 CET 2016

Ok for me

Frida Fransson

Direzione Affari Legali
frida.fransson at eng.it<mailto:frida.fransson at eng.it>

Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.

Strada 2 pal. D - Assago (Mi)
Tel. +39-0287002425
Mob. +39-334 6784288

Da: fiware-foundation-legal-bounces at lists.fiware.org [mailto:fiware-foundation-legal-bounces at lists.fiware.org] Per conto di stefano de panfilis
Inviato: mercoledì 9 marzo 2016 09:54
A: fiware-foundation-legal at lists.fiware.org
Oggetto: [FIWARE-Foundation-Legal-TaskForce] URGENT: proposal to change start time of our fridays meeting

dear all,

atos attorney kindly ask to postpone the start time of our fridays call at 9:30.
is this feasible for you all?

personally i have no problem.


Stefano De Panfilis
Chief Innovation Officer
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.
via Riccardo Morandi 32
00148 Roma

tel (direct): +39-06-8759-4253
tel (secr.): +39-068307-4513
fax: +39-068307-4200
cell: +39-335-7542-567
skype: depa01
twitter: @depa01

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