Hi all, Please find attached the email that was sent yesterday by David Kennedy announcing development of a new version of the DoW. Best regards, -- Juanjo ------------- Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital website: www.tid.es<http://www.tid.es> email: jhierro at tid.es<mailto:jhierro at tid.es> twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator and Chief Architect You can follow FI-WARE at: website: http://www.fi-ware.eu facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/FI-WARE/251366491587242 twitter: http://twitter.com/FIware linkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/FIWARE-4239932 -------- Original Message -------- Subject: FI-PPP Phase 2 Revision 5 Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 11:08:54 +0000 From: David Kennedy <kennedy at eurescom.eu><mailto:kennedy at eurescom.eu> To: 'FI-PPP-Phase-2-Contacts at future-internet.eu<mailto:FI-PPP-Phase-2-Contacts at future-internet.eu>' <FI-PPP-Phase-2-Contacts at future-internet.eu><mailto:FI-PPP-Phase-2-Contacts at future-internet.eu>, Hierro Sureda Juan José <jhierro at tid.es><mailto:jhierro at tid.es>, 'livdo at tid.es<mailto:livdo at tid.es>' <livdo at tid.es><mailto:livdo at tid.es>, 'Federico Álvarez (federico.alvarez at upm.es<mailto:federico.alvarez at upm.es>)' <federico.alvarez at upm.es><mailto:federico.alvarez at upm.es>, 'Jacques Magen (InterInnov) (jmagen at interinnov.com<mailto:jmagen at interinnov.com>)' <jmagen at interinnov.com><mailto:jmagen at interinnov.com> CC: ''Mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com<mailto:Mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com>' (Mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com<mailto:Mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com>)' <Mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com><mailto:Mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com>, ''anne.de_moor at alcatel-lucent.com<mailto:anne.de_moor at alcatel-lucent.com>' (anne.de_moor at alcatel-lucent.com<mailto:anne.de_moor at alcatel-lucent.com>)' <anne.de_moor at alcatel-lucent.com><mailto:anne.de_moor at alcatel-lucent.com>, 'Hohmann, Björn (Bjoern.Hohmann at telekom.de<mailto:Bjoern.Hohmann at telekom.de>)' <Bjoern.Hohmann at telekom.de><mailto:Bjoern.Hohmann at telekom.de>, 'Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu>' <Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu>, Fatelnig Peter <peter.fatelnig at ec.europa.eu><mailto:peter.fatelnig at ec.europa.eu>, 'Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu>' <Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu>, Schweppe, Kathrin (kathrin.schweppe at sap.com<mailto:kathrin.schweppe at sap.com>) <kathrin.schweppe at sap.com><mailto:kathrin.schweppe at sap.com>, Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu> <Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu>, Fatelnig Peter <peter.fatelnig at ec.europa.eu><mailto:peter.fatelnig at ec.europa.eu>, Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu<mailto:Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu> <Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu><mailto:Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu> Hi all, We are out of time on the governance model work but there are still a few comments and misunderstandings to clarify. I will draft a version 5 now to try and resolve these remaining comments and hope the commission will be patient with us. The main changes I expect are: · Sort out any confusion over SB and AB activities that are described in both DoW text and CA so it is clear what applies and where. What is currently in the governance are highlights of the CA bullet points for these bodies. As the CA is just as valid as it was in phase 1, it does not seem critical that we copy all the CA text in here. I will check with legal experts on this. · To put some wording in the governance model stating that the EIB is required by the EC and that it does not constitute a breach of anti-trust law. To avoid conflict with the CA we may consider the EIB as an external body organised by the EC with whom we decide to liaise and offer some administration support. · To clear up any possible misunderstanding about shared funding of common marketing and dissemination activity costs. · To clarify the mediation scenarios are inter-projects only and an AB or SB level mediator should be selected where there is no conflict of interest. (e.g. if the chairmans' project is one of the ones in conflict) What will not be changed is the use of the word "decision" with regard to the SB and AB actions. The CA has text relating to decisions and also text on how such decisions with impact on resources should be handled, so we do not need to avoid using the term. If there is anything else critical please send it to me now as, in fairness to the projects who want to get on with the work, we need to finish this discussion. David David Kennedy Director Eurescom GmbH Wieblinger Weg 19/4 D-69123 Heidelberg Germany Phone: +49 6221 989 122 Mobile: +49 171 286 1753 EURESCOM: Innovation through Collaboration EURESCOM - European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in Telecommunications GmbH. Wieblinger Weg 19/4, 69123 Heidelberg, Germany. Geschäftsführer (Director) David M. Kennedy. Vorsitzender der Gesellschafterversammlung (Chairman General Assembly) Paul Jenkins. Amtsgericht Mannheim HRB 334410. Deutsche Bank Heidelberg, IBAN: DE47 6727 0003 0017 1330 00, BIC (SWIFT-CODE): DEUTDE SM672. VAT Nr. DE 143457825 ________________________________ Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario. Puede consultar nuestra política de envío y recepción de correo electrónico en el enlace situado más abajo. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee. 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