[Fiware-ga] [Fiware-pcc] Fwd: FI-PPP Phase 2 Revision 6 - IBM's Comments

Yaron Wolfsthal WOLFSTAL at il.ibm.com
Wed Mar 13 13:42:57 CET 2013

Dear Juanjo and All

Attached is the  draft document with IBM's comments on V6. 

Here is a summary of IBM's comments: 

Section 1: 
We agree with SAP's suggestion to include the language added to Section 1 
------ ".... in order to have a clear regulation between the DOW of each 
project and the Collaboration Agreement. To our understanding, this 
clarification should also be accepted by the EU (based on previous emails 
on this issue)." ------
Section 3.2: 
We request to make all necessary changes so that section 3.2 will be in 
line with the agreed-upon language in section 4.2.  This is just a simple 
consistency point which should not create any argument...but nevertheless 
an important one.
Section 3.3 :
Please replace "The Architecture Board (AB) will be in charge of the 
technical aspects" by ---"The Architecture Board (AB) will advise on the 
technical aspects" ---- since the AB has and advisory role. 
Please add after " In such cases the AB chairman shall make proposals and 
help the conflicting parties to reach an agreement. If this does not 
resolve the problem, professional mediation may be used" the following 
words: ---- " subject to an agreement between the relevant parties." ----  
     It should be clarified that the parties are *not* obliged to 
participate in a professional mediation. Participation in a mediation and 
allocation of the necessary money and time for that, is a decision that 
should be taken on a case to case basis, based on concent. 

Section 2.1 (EIB) - 

we understand that Thales and some other companies claimed that the 
provisions in this section may be a breach of anti trust law. We would 
appreciate your advise what exactly is the concern and how this concern 
will be  address. IBM also request to have an opinion of an antitrust 
attorney, that the provisions will not be considered as a breach of 
applicable anti trust law. 

Best regards,

From:   Juanjo Hierro <jhierro at tid.es>
To:     "fiware-ga at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-ga at lists.fi-ware.eu>, 
"fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu" <fiware-pcc at lists.fi-ware.eu>, 
Date:   12/03/2013 09:55 AM
Subject:        [Fiware-pcc] Fwd: FI-PPP Phase 2 Revision 6
Sent by:        fiware-pcc-bounces at lists.fi-ware.eu

Dear partners,

  FYI.   Sorry that I haven't been able to forward this email earlier but 
I was off-line yesterday.

  At this point in time, I would like to know if there is any objection to 
the provided text, apart from the one on making the point on precedence of 
the DoW over the Consortium and Collaboration Agreement explicit in the 
text.   I have already made this point clear to David Kennedy.

  Best regards,

-- Juanjo

Product Development and Innovation (PDI) - Telefonica Digital
website: www.tid.es
email: jhierro at tid.es
twitter: twitter.com/JuanjoHierro

FI-WARE (European Future Internet Core Platform) Coordinator 
and Chief Architect

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-------- Original Message -------- 
FI-PPP Phase 2 Revision 6
Mon, 11 Mar 2013 09:01:07 +0000
David Kennedy <kennedy at eurescom.eu>
FI-PPP-Phase-2-Contacts at future-internet.eu 
<FI-PPP-Phase-2-Contacts at future-internet.eu>, Hierro Sureda Juan José 
<jhierro at tid.es>, lgg at tid.es <lgg at tid.es>, livdo at tid.es <livdo at tid.es>, 
Federico Álvarez (federico.alvarez at upm.es) <federico.alvarez at upm.es>, 
Jacques Magen (InterInnov) (jmagen at interinnov.com) <jmagen at interinnov.com>
burkhard.neidecker-lutz at sap.com <burkhard.neidecker-lutz at sap.com>, 
michael.stollberg at sap.com <michael.stollberg at sap.com>, 
rod.franklin at kuehne-nagel.com <rod.franklin at kuehne-nagel.com>, 
Sjaak.Wolfert at wur.nl <Sjaak.Wolfert at wur.nl>, elke.rupp at zv.fraunhofer.de 
<elke.rupp at zv.fraunhofer.de>, armin.dietrich at zv.fraunhofer.de 
<armin.dietrich at zv.fraunhofer.de>, claudia.manderfeld at zv.fraunhofer.de 
<claudia.manderfeld at zv.fraunhofer.de>, laura.schuetz at izb.fraunhofer.de 
<laura.schuetz at izb.fraunhofer.de>, SUZANNE at il.ibm.com <SUZANNE at il.ibm.com>
, Barbara.Gromer at neclab.eu <Barbara.Gromer at neclab.eu>, 
beatriz.aznar at atosorigin.com <beatriz.aznar at atosorigin.com>, 
Bjoern.Hohmann at telekom.de <Bjoern.Hohmann at telekom.de>, GALITL at il.ibm.com 
<GALITL at il.ibm.com>, irene.glueck-otte at siemens.com 
<irene.glueck-otte at siemens.com>, jonas.heitto at alcatel-lucent.com 
<jonas.heitto at alcatel-lucent.com>, lucile.casenave at cea.fr 
<lucile.casenave at cea.fr>, Mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com 
<Mathilde.dubesset at technicolor.com>, robert.sarrazin at orange-ftgroup.com 
<robert.sarrazin at orange-ftgroup.com>, Sarrazin Robert 
<robert.sarrazin at orange.com>, patricia.bedoui at thalesgroup.com 
<patricia.bedoui at thalesgroup.com>, Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu 
<Jesus.Villasante at ec.europa.eu>, Fatelnig Peter 
<peter.fatelnig at ec.europa.eu>, Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu 
<Ragnar.Bergstrom at ec.europa.eu>, 'Macmahon, Tara' 
<tara.macmahon at intel.com>, fabian.perpeet at zv.fraunhofer.de 
<fabian.perpeet at zv.fraunhofer.de>, kathrin.schweppe at sap.com 
<kathrin.schweppe at sap.com>

Hi all,
Attached is the 6th revision of the Governance model containing the 
comments received in the last week (mainly from FI-ware).  The changes are 
in  sections 3.3 and 4.2.
The commission have reassured us that no action on their part, with 
respect to the EIB, will be in breach of Antitrust rules.  From revision 5 
we had inserted the statement that:  ?The FI-PPP Steering Board (SB) 
agrees to liaise with the EIB on the basis that its construction and 
operation does not constitute a breach of antitrust law.?  This ensures we 
have to the right to verify the correctness of the EIB in this context. 
The commission clarified for us that:
The Commission is party only to the grant agreement, and no other contract 
relating to the establishment of the mechanisms supporting the FI-PPP.
·                                   Article 10 of the grant agreement 
(Application of the grant agreement provisions) reads as follows: Any 
provision of this part of the grant agreement, shall take precedence over 
the provisions of any of the Annexes. The provisions of Annex III shall 
take precedence over the provisions of Annex II, and both shall take 
precedence over the provisions of Annex I. The special clauses set out in 
Article 7 shall take precedence over any other provisions of this grant 
·                                   The grant agreement and its annexes 
take precedence over any agreements partners might conclude among 
themselves, according to article II.3(i) ? otherwise the beneficiary is in 
breach of contract with the Commission.
·                                   Special clause 41, article 5(b) is 
satisfied by the inclusion of the relevant programme mechanism in the 
respective annex 1 to the grant agreement. By application of the last 
sentence of article 10 of the grant agreement and article II.3(i), the 
programme mechanism in annex 1 shall take precedence over any other 
provisions in case of conflict.
The only question is if we need to add text in our governance model on 
this. I am not sure it serves any purpose as the priorities are clear in 
the other contracts. We have the references to the CA for the SB and AB 
activities but if it is felt an additional reference is necessary would a 
statement in the introduction reading as below suffice?:
?Additional responsibilities  for inter-project collaboration are agreed 
between the FI-PPP participants in their FI-PPP Collaboration Agreement, 
the terms of which apply in all situations not covered by the Frame 
Agreement (including DoW) contracts with the commission.?
If this is required let me know ASAP.
We are now over time on this action so can the Phase 2 project leaders 
give me feedback on their project positions as I hope to talk to the 
commission on Tuesday or Wednesday this week.
Many thanks for the constructive support, 
David Kennedy
Eurescom GmbH
Wieblinger Weg 19/4
D-69123 Heidelberg
Phone:  +49 6221 989 122
Mobile: +49 171 286 1753
EURESCOM: Innovation through Collaboration
EURESCOM ? European Institute for Research and Strategic Studies in 
Telecommunications GmbH. 
Wieblinger Weg 19/4, 69123 Heidelberg, Germany.
Geschäftsführer (Director) David M. Kennedy.
Vorsitzender der Gesellschafterversammlung (Chairman General Assembly) 
Paul Jenkins.
Amtsgericht Mannheim HRB 334410.
Deutsche Bank Heidelberg, IBAN: DE47 6727 0003 0017 1330 00, BIC 
VAT Nr. DE 143457825

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