[Fiware-general-help] Hosting

Stefan Stengel stengel at glocal.biz
Tue Dec 2 07:05:17 CET 2014

>From which point of time will we be able to run our live application on FI-WARE
- legally (i.e. when will we be allowed to do this)?
- technically (i.e. when will it be stable enough and provide the required framework)?

Once it will be possible, can we then
- host a typical Webapplication built with RubyOnRails or PHP Symfony on FI-WARE, or
- run only the Database/Storage of a webapplication on FI-WARE?

glocal consult Lübeck

< think global - act local >

media docks

Willy-Brandt-Allee 31b

23554 Lübeck

Tel: +49 451 280 36 666

Fax: +49 451 390 88 83

glocal consult Hamburg

c/o comlife

Willy-Brandt-Straße 30

20457 Hamburg

Tel: +49 40 22 6308-22

Fax: +49 40 22 6308-23

Mobil: +49 172 400 5 333

SpeedUP! Europe: Start am 1. Juni 2014

Hier registrieren:


stengel at glocal.biz<mailto:stengel at glocal.biz>


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