[Fiware-general-help] Hosting of FIWARE GEs, scalability, architecture

Niko Rehnbäck niko.rehnback at gmail.com
Sun Oct 26 15:14:16 CET 2014


Couple of questions here that I have not been able to find answer

- Who does the hosting of GE instances?

- Are they deployed on the same virtual machine?

- Can the VM instances be scaled up easily if needed?

- How are they exactly deployed?

- What would be the REST API endpoints when deployed, does this depend on the hosting system?

- What if there is extra logic needed, so are there GE to provide that processing or do you have to deploy own server for it, and that server uses the GE instances (this causes networking delay if the server and GE instances are not hosted one same system)

Niko Rehnbäck

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