Dear Paweł, FIWARE is providing the so called Generic Enablers. Generic (as opposed to “Specific”) means that they can be applied to no matter what industry, they are general purpose artefacts. You need to see what’s in the catalogue and use those that are useful for you in whatever scenario you have. A GE is a software artefact defined by an Open Spec (a REST API, if you like) and concrete implementations of the GEs are called "GEi" (GE implementatios) The best approach is to go to the catalogue ( and see our current offer. The catalogue concentrates the information of all the available GEs/GEis with all the pointers to the manuals, open specs, terms of use, etc. The definition of the Open Specs and the Manuals associated to each one of the is on the wiki ( The wiki is complex and a bit difficult to navigate at first since it has loads of information. The pages you may need to look for when looking for details are here: • FIWARE Architecture -> list of technical chapters -> Architecture of Individual GEs in each chapter • Summary of FIWARE Open Specifications > Open specs summary of Individual GEs in each chapter • Summary of FIWARE API Open Specifications -> Open specs APIs of Individual GEs in each chapter • Materializing the FIWARE Vision -> list of technical chapters -> Information of Individual GEs in each chapter (including manuals) However, these pages also include GEs that are no longer maintained by FIWARE. The safest approach is to go to the catalogue and the catalogue will (hopefully) give you the direct links to the wiki pages that are related to the GE with no need to click though wiki links. The catalogue has the pointers to all the GEs. The GEs have open specs and associated APIs. In practical terms, you decide to create you application and identify GE implementations that provide functionality that is useful for your app. Your app will talk to the GE implementations via a REST interface. May I point out that we have a free experimentation environment called FIWARE Lab ( where we are progressively making available our GEs with self-deployment facilities. We also have online eLearning courses ( We have this on our home page ( [cid:part6.03010907.08020105 at] If you click on "FIWARE Developers" you get to There you have a rough explanation of all this I am telling you now plus a few highlights (high level profile GEs) and a few usage examples. I hope that it helps Miguel El 09/04/2015 a las 8:22, Paweł Sieczkiewicz escribió: Hello, Its quite hard for me to understand what is it about (Fiware) These are some libraries? We Can implement them into our existing Mobile Apps? In which way are they better Than modules which we are using already? 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