[Fiware-general-help] Unable to create compute instance in Poznan (Windows Server 2012 R2 Std Eval)

Piotr Nowacki (iEHR.eu) nowacki at iehr.eu
Tue Apr 28 12:06:19 CEST 2015


This is Piotr, from iEHR.eu team working on Platan project as part of FICHe
(Future Internet CHallenge eHealth) FIWARE Accelerator program.

I do have two questions, where your help will be appreciated.

First, what is the reason behind Windows Server instances being available
only in Poznan and not on any other Node? With Poznan not having a public
IP address its makes it quite a hurdle to get our PoC hosted on FIWARE.

Second, I have requested an account upgrade a while ago (April 14), but
given no access to your JIRA I am unable to understand the status of the
ticket (FLUA-11). I have requested resources in Poznan there but I still
see 0 public IPs available for me when I try to create an instance using
https://cloud.lab.fiware.org Console.

Appreciate your help!

Piotr Nowacki
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