Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren gerne übermitteln wir Ihnen über die Website der CeBIT folgende Anfrage: Anrede : Herr Vorname : Kurt Martin Name : Vogt Telefon : Fax : E-Mail : messeeasybooking at Firma : Messe Easy Booking Straße/Nr : Uferstr. 1 Ort : 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth Nation : D --------------- Nachricht: 14.03.2016 – 18.03.2016 Dear Company As in previous years, we would like to offer our low cost options for booking of accommodation options to the current fair exhibitions in Hannover hereby again. In particular, at the Ligna trade fair and industry in 2016, we have some new items on offer. Some are within walking distance to the exhibition center distance. Take advantage now as early bird the opportunity for you and your staff to get accommodations that are reasonably priced and are located to the exhibition grounds very beneficial. Ask today to our very interesting offers. Request more today at our very Interesting offers. With kind regards Kurt Martin Vogt --------------- Diese Anfrage wurde Ihnen über Ihre Ausstellerpräsentation (FIWARE, Halle 7, Stand A57) auf der CeBIT Website übermittelt. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, dem Kunden in jedem Fall eine kurze Nachricht zukommen zu lassen.
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