[Fiware-general-help] Catalogue site is down

Tony Nagy tony at shopzeus.com
Tue Jun 9 12:53:50 CEST 2015

Thank you so much Miguel!


> Dear Tony
> Just to clarify. Our drupal instance was attacked by someone 
> exploiting a vulnerability that was in the process of being to be 
> fixed (restoring yesterday's backup and then patching it). We stopped 
> this because an event where they need it up and running. The catalogue 
> is alive again, we will patch it at some point later today.
> Regards,
> Miguel
> El 09/06/2015 a las 12:43, Davide Dalle Carbonare escribió:
>> Dear Tony,
>>   we are already working on that in order to have it available again 
>> as soon as possible.
>> We apologize for the inconvenience.
>> BR
>> Davide Dalle Carbonare
>> FIWARE Chapter Leader | www.fiware.org <http://www.fiware.org>
>> 2015-06-09 12:08 GMT+02:00 Tony Nagy <tony at shopzeus.com 
>> <mailto:tony at shopzeus.com>>:
>>     Good morning,
>>     I try to put together a proposal but it looks like that your
>>     catalogue site is completely down. Can you please check that?
>>     http://catalogue.fiware.org/
>>     Thank you!
>>     Best,
>>     Tony Nagy
>>     Shopzeus
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