Hi Carlos, You're invited to join us for drinks this Thursday! Our co-founder Filip Eldic will be a panelist at the Location Based Marketing Association's SF Chapter Summer Mixer <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/n0ZZ0a1020qe0ZI0H000M30> and he'd love to meet you. Bluedot has developed a way to increase the accuracy of location services by over 20x compared to Apple or Google. Filip will be discussing how our location services can be leveraged to measure ad attribution and understand customer behavior. The event is free but registration is required <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/j02I002eZ000H0ZqZMb0300>. Please join us for what's sure to be a fun event. See you there! Thu Phan Head of Marketing Bluedot Innovation This email was sent to fiware-general-help at lists.fi-ware.org. If you no longer wish to receive these emails you may unsubscribe here: http://go.bluedotinnovation.com/UnsubscribePage.html?mkt_unsubscribe=1&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTUdaaFlqUmlPV1ExT1dVNSIsInQiOiJrYTR1dWN6dTNUY3ZLRyt6c056bXFxN2lCcE02b1FvamJuc3FyTUdoa0IydEx2SXRzQjZzM2hLZUxCUEgvcytRc09jb1BnOVExZXlVa3pwQVlWcXRPWWcydytaSmFmUjVxbWVLclZteWdtTT0ifQ%3D%3D. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-general-help/attachments/20160823/dccfce0d/attachment.html>
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