[Fiware-general-help] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-7865) Bluedot Launches on Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Manuel Escriche (JIRA) jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org
Mon Dec 5 07:23:01 CET 2016

     [ https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-7865?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Manuel Escriche closed HELP-7865.
    Resolution: Dismissed

> [Fiware-general-help] Bluedot Launches on Salesforce Marketing Cloud
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HELP-7865
>                 URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-7865
>             Project: Help-Desk
>          Issue Type: extRequest
>          Components: SPAM
>            Reporter: FW External User
>            Assignee:  Malena Donato Cohen
> Bluedot Launches on Salesforce Marketing Cloud
> To view this email as a web page, go to the following address: http://go.bluedotinnovation.com/index.php/email/emailWebview?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTVdGaFpESmtZMk15TldSbSIsInQiOiJSSFg2QndSRlMxeHRzRlZoTzZ6dk9ta0VQQnp3Wmo2Zk14OFpHcE4wVnMvaEdxc2Q3akREOUJQVzlnakd4SkdpeWRKVGNvTHkxeTE1RUxYaWFxOEhJMHp1N1V1QmlKMzdGbG03S090YnhPaz0ifQ%3D%3D
> Bluedot Launches on Salesforce Marketing Cloud
> <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/kZ0xe0q007Z02IM0H00C00Z>
> Powering Personalized Journeys at Scale
> We’re excited to announce that Bluedot Innovation’s precise location services are now available on the Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Customers can now use Bluedot Location Marketing app from the Salesforce AppExchange <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/gD0H0qe00200IZ0MZ000y7Z> to power personalized customer journeys at scale using our patented geofencing and Geolines™ technology.
> Read Full Announcement <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/kZ0xe0q007Z02IM0H00C00Z>
> Filip Eldic
> Co-Founder, Bluedot Innovation
> <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/O070Z00Z0200qZeE0z0M0HI>             <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/z00H2Me0000IqF70ZZA0Z00>            <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/dM0eZ0Gq700ZH00I0B020Z0>
> © 2016 Bluedot Innovation 
> 180 Sansome St. Flr 4, San Francisco, CA 94104
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