[Fiware-general-help] IaaS GE usage: support request

Andrea Vecchi - ClouDesire andrea.vecchi at cloudesire.com
Mon Feb 22 11:50:35 CET 2016

Dear Miguel,

my community account upgrade request was rejected

"Since the required request is not well defined, maximum quota could be

As I wrote you in my previous email, when I asked for the upgrade, I was
obliged to *not *specify a precise resource number (VMs, vCPUs, RAM) in my
request, because we need to istantiate *via API* new VMs, and for this
reason we don't know in advance the expected resources amount...

The only thing we need, in this project, is the* OpenStack API endpoint*
and obviously the *credentials* to use it.

You asked me to attach, in the upgrade request, our previous mail exchange
and the related ticket number; I've done it, but I think that who took in
charge my request didn't read it...

Can you help me to solve this issue?



Andrea Vecchi

mobile +39 349 6379920
skype: andreavecchi

ClouDesire Srl
Via Gozzini, 15/17 - 56121 Pisa (PI) - Italy
www.cloudesire.com | info at cloudesire.com
twitter: www.twitter.com/cloudesire
t +39 050877088 | f +39 0508755498


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On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 6:04 PM, Andrea Vecchi - ClouDesire <
andrea.vecchi at cloudesire.com> wrote:

> Thank you Miguel,
> I requested the upgrade, specifying our needs reported in the ticket.
> I was obliged to specify "funny" numbers (100) for the requested VMs,
> vCPUs, RAM, etc. because we doesn't know in advance how many VMs, vCPUs,
> etc. we need to "instantiate" (not to "use") via API.
> Hope this will not scare anyone....
> A.
> ======================================================
> Andrea Vecchi
> mobile +39 349 6379920
> skype: andreavecchi
> ClouDesire Srl
> Via Gozzini, 15/17 - 56121 Pisa (PI) - Italy
> www.cloudesire.com | info at cloudesire.com
> twitter: www.twitter.com/cloudesire
> t +39 050877088 | f +39 0508755498
> ======================================================
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> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 5:50 PM, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <
> miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com> wrote:
>> Dear Andrea,
>> Easy. I guess that you have a trial user account and I am asking you to
>> apply for an upgrade to a community account. If you go to
>> http://lab.fiware.org/ (the homepage of the Lab), it is clearly
>> explained so I do not think that you are going to experience any trouble:
>> Then you will have to fill in a form that enquires all that.
>> You can mention that the details of our previous messages are on ticket
>> HELP-5752 (https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-5752) where all the
>> conversation is being recorded.
>> Rgds.,
>> Miguel
>> El 15/02/2016 a las 17:30, Andrea Vecchi - ClouDesire escribió:
>> Dear Miguel,
>> thank you for your response.
>> I registered to Fiware Lab few weeks ago.
>> Below a screenshot of the Fiware Lab interface.
>> Where can I specify the* "accelerator where you belong, what you want to
>> do, the resources you need, etc."*?
>> Do I need to explain again, in this interface, all the stuff we discussed
>> in our email thread??
>> TKS
>> A.
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> ======================================================
>> Andrea Vecchi
>> CTO
>> mobile +39 349 6379920
>> skype: andreavecchi
>> ClouDesire Srl
>> Via Gozzini, 15/17 - 56121 Pisa (PI) - Italy
>> www.cloudesire.com |  <info at cloudesire.com>info at cloudesire.com
>> twitter:  <http://www.twitter.com/cloudesire>www.twitter.com/cloudesire
>> t +39 050877088 | f +39 0508755498
>> ======================================================
>> Ai sensi del D. Lgs. n.196 del 30/06/2003 si precisa che le informazioni
>> contenute in questo messaggio sono riservate e ad uso esclusivo del
>> destinatario. Qualora il messaggio in parola Le fosse pervenuto per errore,
>> La preghiamo di eliminarlo senza copiarlo e di non inoltrarlo a terzi,
>> dandocene gentilmente comunicazione. Grazie
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>> your cooperation.
>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 5:21 PM, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <
>> <miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com>
>> miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com> wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I have been checking internally with a few people. Both scenarios are
>>> cleared and we do not see a problem in doing what you propose.
>>> I am assuming that you haven't applied for a community account on FIWARE
>>> Lab yet. If thisi s the case, please go to FIWARE Lab, please apply for one
>>> and specify in the corresponding form the accelerator where you belong,
>>> what you want to do, the resources you need, etc.  They will provide the
>>> data you need.
>>> Regards,
>>> Miguel
>>> El 05/02/2016 a las 21:29, Andrea Vecchi - ClouDesire escribió:
>>> Dear Miguel,
>>> I know that the scenario 2 is perfectly feasible, but honestly we don't
>>> need to become OpenStack setup expert, this will not give us any added
>>> value, it's useless ad out of topic for us (to become a cloud provider it's
>>> not our ambition...).
>>> As I wrote before, we already use OpenStack "as a service" (namely via
>>> API) in several other cloud providers, in this project we need to integrate
>>> our platform with the *actual *and *real*, FIWARE *cloud infrastructure*
>>> in order to * stress* it, *evaluate* it, *compare* it and obtain KPIs
>>> about its performances and reliability.
>>> In a nutshell, in our project we need to investigate the possibility to
>>> use the FIWARE cloud infrastructure as a *public cloud* instead of
>>> Amazon, or Google Compute, or Azure, or RackSpace, etc.
>>> To do that, we need to test "what's under the hood" (physical nodes,
>>> networking, etc) not OpenStack (which is an on-top software layer we
>>> already know it's a good product...).
>>> Hope this mail can clarify our needs.
>>> Again, thank you for your support!
>>> BR
>>> A.
>>> ======================================================
>>> Andrea Vecchi
>>> CTO
>>> mobile +39 349 6379920
>>> skype: andreavecchi
>>> ClouDesire Srl
>>> Via Gozzini, 15/17 - 56121 Pisa (PI) - Italy
>>> www.cloudesire.com |  <info at cloudesire.com>info at cloudesire.com
>>> twitter:  <http://www.twitter.com/cloudesire>www.twitter.com/cloudesire
>>> t +39 050877088 | f +39 0508755498
>>> ======================================================
>>> Ai sensi del D. Lgs. n.196 del 30/06/2003 si precisa che le informazioni
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>>> La preghiamo di eliminarlo senza copiarlo e di non inoltrarlo a terzi,
>>> dandocene gentilmente comunicazione. Grazie
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>>> On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 5:05 PM, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <
>>> miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com> wrote:
>>>> Dear Andrea,
>>>> I understand but let me clarify that Scenario 2 is perfectly feasible,
>>>> nothing precludes from  taking the necessary cloud GEs and installing them
>>>> wherever, this would create a small clone of FIWARE Lab (what you call "the
>>>> FIWARE cloud"). It would not a make a difference. Then, you could invoke
>>>> the services in your infra from different servers to replicate the
>>>> escenario.
>>>> Let me explore scenario 1 and then we'll see
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Miguel
>>>> El 05/02/2016 a las 16:43, Andrea Vecchi - ClouDesire escribió:
>>>> Dear Miguel,
>>>> thanks a lot for your response.
>>>> I understand that our request could appears as "exotic", but our
>>>> primary goal in the "SaaS-Fi" project consists exactly to evaluate - from
>>>> a technical and also business point of view - the reliability of the "IaaS
>>>> GE" and the related FIWARE cloud, using it specifically "as a public cloud
>>>> provider" (that means instead of, and/or compared with: AWS, Azure, GCE,
>>>> etc.).
>>>> This require to use the OpenStack APIs (namely in a very "IaaS mode"),
>>>> instead of the FIWARE Lab interface (namely in a "PaaS mode").
>>>> For this reason, you understand that your scenario 2 (we create a
>>>> cloud environment on our own on our infrastructure to do this) is not an
>>>> option, because in that way we doesn't really use the FIWARE cloud (but
>>>> only OpenStack, that we already know... very well...).
>>>> We hope for the scenario 2, and for a quick response, because we need
>>>> to respect strict project reporting deadlines...
>>>> Thank you again,
>>>> BR
>>>> A.
>>>> ======================================================
>>>> Andrea Vecchi
>>>> CTO
>>>> mobile +39 349 6379920
>>>> skype: andreavecchi
>>>> ClouDesire Srl
>>>> Via Gozzini, 15/17 - 56121 Pisa (PI) - Italy
>>>> www.cloudesire.com | info at cloudesire.com
>>>> twitter:  <http://www.twitter.com/cloudesire>www.twitter.com/cloudesire
>>>> t +39 050877088 | f +39 0508755498
>>>> ======================================================
>>>> Ai sensi del D. Lgs. n.196 del 30/06/2003 si precisa che le
>>>> informazioni contenute in questo messaggio sono riservate e ad uso
>>>> esclusivo del destinatario. Qualora il messaggio in parola Le fosse
>>>> pervenuto per errore, La preghiamo di eliminarlo senza copiarlo e di non
>>>> inoltrarlo a terzi, dandocene gentilmente comunicazione. Grazie
>>>> This message, for the D. Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003, may contain
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>>>> sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you for
>>>> your cooperation.
>>>> On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 3:58 PM, MIGUEL CARRILLO PACHECO <
>>>> miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com> wrote:
>>>>> Dear Andrea,
>>>>> This request is unusual. FIWARE Lab is used via a portal that we
>>>>> expose on the internet for the provision on virtual infrastructure. People
>>>>> would experiment with FIWARE technologies inside such VMs. This is the
>>>>> usage scenario that we have always envisioned.
>>>>> What you are asking for is somewhat "exotic" which does not mean that
>>>>> it out of the question, we need to see what to do with this.  I wonder if
>>>>> the people in charge of FIWARE Lab have offered this in the past as a
>>>>> possibility, I am not aware of it.
>>>>> The are two scenarios as I see it:
>>>>>    - Creating a community user and granting you access to the
>>>>>    services via REST interfaces, as you request.
>>>>>    - The obvious alternative is you creating a cloud environment on
>>>>>    your own on your infrastructure to do this, but then you would not be
>>>>>    benefiting of FIWARE Lab.
>>>>> Please be aware that FIWARE Lab is a test environment where accounts
>>>>> are volatile (they expire and all instantiated resources get irreversibly
>>>>> deleted)
>>>>> I'll try to get hold of the Chief Architect and Leader of FIWARE
>>>>> (Juanjo Hierro) to see what he thinks. This may take some time.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Miguel
>>>>> El 27/01/2016 a las 14:32, Andrea Vecchi - ClouDesire escribió:
>>>>> Dear sirs,
>>>>> our company is working on a project called "SaaSi-FI", in the SOUL-FI
>>>>> Round B call.
>>>>> We need to integrate in our platform the IaaS Resource Management GE.
>>>>> ClouDesire, our platform, is a cloud-agnostic marketplace where
>>>>> independent software vendors can offer their products (web applications) which
>>>>> can be purchased by the end-users.
>>>>> When an application is sold, ClouDesire performs a self-deploy on a
>>>>> selected (by the end-user) cloud provider; at the end of the deployment
>>>>> process a running instance of the purchased application becomes
>>>>> available on the cloud for the end-user.
>>>>> Our purpose in the "SaaSi-FI" project is to leverage and use the IaaS
>>>>> GE as a "public provider" for ClouDesire.
>>>>> For this reason, we need to use the IaaS GE's API in order to
>>>>> programmatically create VMs in your datacenter.
>>>>> Just to avoid misunderstandings: we don't need to install our own IaaS
>>>>> Resource Management GE instance somewhere, we would simply "use it"
>>>>> as-a-service. At he same time, we don't need to install our
>>>>> application in the FIWARE Lab Nodes.
>>>>> As I said before, we would simply treat FIWARE as a "public provider".
>>>>> That means that we need to use the OpenStack API exposed in the FIWARE
>>>>> Lab in order to programmatically deploy VMs on demand.
>>>>> The questions are:
>>>>> - where is the API endpoint?
>>>>> - what kind of credentials we can use to access the API?
>>>>> - are there some limitations (for example to the number of deployables
>>>>> VMs, or to the reachability of the deployed VMs)?
>>>>> Thank you in advance,
>>>>> BR
>>>>> ======================================================
>>>>> Andrea Vecchi
>>>>> CTO
>>>>> mobile +39 349 6379920
>>>>> skype: andreavecchi
>>>>> ClouDesire Srl
>>>>> Via Gozzini, 15/17 - 56121 Pisa (PI) - Italy
>>>>> <http://www.cloudesire.com/>www.cloudesire.com |
>>>>> <info at cloudesire.com>info at cloudesire.com
>>>>> twitter:  <http://www.twitter.com/cloudesire>
>>>>> www.twitter.com/cloudesire
>>>>> t +39 050877088 | f +39 0508755498 <%2B39%200508755498>
>>>>> ======================================================
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>>> Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
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>>>      _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco
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>> Please update your address book with my new e-mail address: miguel.carrillopacheco at telefonica.com
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>>      _/          _/_/                     Miguel Carrillo Pacheco
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