[Fiware-general-help] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-6717) Bluedot Webhooks Release Notification

Malena Donato Cohen (JIRA) jira-help-desk at fi-ware.org
Mon Jun 6 12:06:00 CEST 2016

     [ https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-6717?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Malena Donato Cohen updated HELP-6717:
    Component/s:     (was: FIWARE-GENERAL-HELP)

> [Fiware-general-help] Bluedot Webhooks Release Notification
> -----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HELP-6717
>                 URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-6717
>             Project: Help-Desk
>          Issue Type: extRequest
>          Components: SPAM
>            Reporter: FW External User
>            Assignee:  Malena Donato Cohen
> To view this email as a web page, go to the following address: http://go.bluedotinnovation.com/index.php/email/emailWebview?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWTJKaU5HVmtZbUUyTUdJeSIsInQiOiJOWE9HS1d2MXlqcFZqMTRvY25WREhBMTB0MDhFcGlsb1hkMzFBTkdoVmZxZjFjbSswaFZjd0YwR05yRktPekRXRW43Z3p3amw4L1lyV1I2WHE1NFFNTldYRTZDdGxQb0U3UUhRaTQ2cWh3VT0ifQ%3D%3D
> Bluedot Webhooks Release Notification
>  Hello Carlos,
> Our new release (v1.7.1) is now available and includes our latest feature, Webhooks <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/CIZ00i0te01Z0qMH2000Z00>.
> What are Webhooks?
> Webhooks allow you to instantly deliver mobile content to customers in real time when they check-in. They provide an easier and quicker way to know when customers arrive at a location because your servers receive an immediate check-in directly from our servers.
> Why use Webhooks?
> Prior to Webhooks, the Point SDK would communicate via your SDK to your server, which would then pass back an action (e.g. delivery of an ad) to the customer’s device. Instead, Webhooks send you check-ins from our servers in real time, cutting down the API calls and time needed for location-based actions to be delivered.
> Easier integration
> With Webhooks, there’s no need to integrate multiple SDKs or make additional API calls to retrieve check-in data.
> How do I learn more?
> Visit the Point Access - Webhooks <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/CIZ00i0te01Z0qMH2000Z00> page for additional details. You can also request a demo <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/NI00uZ0M0000Z1Z0jq00H2e> from a Bluedot team member.
> Sincerely,
> Balendran Thavarajah
> Chief Technology Officer
> Bluedot Innovation
> Bluedot Innovation. - 180 Sansome Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA
>  Contact Us <http://em.bluedotinnovation.com/wIHZq0MZe0000Z0k0002v01>
> Note: This email is sent to all users with a Bluedot login.
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> Please, send your messages using the new domain (Fiware-general-help at lists.fiware.org) instead of the old one.
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> Fiware-general-help at lists.fiware.org
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> [Created via e-mail received from: Balendran from Bluedot Innovation <hello at bluedotinnovation.com>]

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