[Fiware-general-help] Request for a Visit to your Company

Sanaz Julazade sjulazade at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 17:39:08 CET 2016

​​Dear Coordinator,

We are really surprised with your company's idea about smart cities and
energy management. My team and I are working on a competition named LG
Global Challenge
<http://www.lgchallengers.com/global_pages/english/eng_overview/>. We would
like to ask you if you will have this opportunity for us to allow us to
visit your company for about one or two days in period of 21March till 3th
April. We want to visit your company to gain advantage of your general
ideas, knowledge and experience and have some interview with your employee.
Please let us know your opinion.

Thanks in Advance,
Best Regards,
Sanaz Julazade
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