[Fiware-general-help] Trade Show Science!

Chief Scientist chief_scientist at tradeshowscience.co.uk
Wed Aug 1 13:48:01 CEST 2018

Stop throwing money away like a silly person!

Hello! This is a one-time email from Trade Show Science!

*	We use a data-driven approach to ensure trade show success!
*	We work with you to ensure you meet your KPIs by concentrating on
measurable outcomes.
*	We have huge expertise in trade show strategy, in team performance,
in swag that works, and staff that understand your goals.

Check it out:

 <http://www.TradeShowScience.co.uk> www.TradeShowScience.co.uk


We will not email you again! (Unless you subscribe to
<http://www.tradeshowscience.co.uk/> our amazing mailing list!)



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