Standgroup patricia at standsbarcelona.es
Fri Aug 31 12:01:29 CEST 2018

Dear Exhibitor:

I'm Patricia,  We got in touch with you for the event
"SMART CITY 2018 ” celebrating  13 November in Barcelona.
We want to offer you our design and construction services and show some of our projects, we will be delighted to make a design proposal without any cost or commitment. If you have your design project, we can make the construction budget and provide you the services you may need for this event and future event.

Attach our portfolio
PORTFOLIO STAND GROUP  (https://standgroup.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=cf2061649b14038e78b85e0aa&id=06809cb7fb&e=48aac91b8c)

saludos / best regards

Patricia Zevallos
Key Account Manager

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Standgroup . Standgroup . Barcelona, B 08034 . Spain
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