[Fiware-general-help] inquiry about the appication to "Powered by FIWARE"

Asumi Tomomizu a-tomomizu at cq.jp.nec.com
Tue Jan 30 07:08:33 CET 2018

Dear Person in charge,

I am Asumi Tomomizu of NEC corporation in Japan.

I am writing you regarding the page of <http://marketplace.fiware.org/apply>.

We're considering our IoT Platform based on FIWARE applying to "Powered by FIWARE".

Could you tell me how long you require to evaluate the solution?

Also, I really appreciate if you could give me the information
about the time required to evaluate CCOC

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Asumi Tomomizu

 Future Cities Division
 Public Solutions Business Unit
 NEC Corporation

 Tel:	  +81-3-3798-6715
 E-mail: a-tomomizu at cq.jp.nec.com
 URL: 	  http://www.nec.com/

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