[Fiware-general-help] From 29% to the Investor Annually - Manufacturing and Export of Natural Honey

EDIV LLC (Honeyland) info at honey.land
Tue Nov 6 14:59:42 CET 2018




Dear Sir or Madam,

We are a young and motivated team in love with trade and technology. To be
precise, two of us (currently located in Germany) are responsible for the
business and technology development in the Western markets, including the
EU, US, and Canada, two other team members (living and working in Ukraine)
concentrate on the Central and Eastern Europe, and Middle Eastern Countries
(especially United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia). This early
twenties-quintet consisting of international business, computer science, and
marketing specialists is motivated and guided by our experienced director
with twenty years in wholesale and retail trade.

Our business at its simplest form (i.e. beginning of operations) is
projected to bring an annual turnover of 1,5-4,5 million US dollars. The
project pays off the initial investment in a period of three years.

We are going to manufacture and export natural organic honey from Ukraine to
the mentioned above target countries. Ukraine is a very important player in
apiculture. We, EDIV LLC, are located in Konotop, Sumy Region, Ukraine,
which lies in one of the well-known honey areas here (in the region only,
10,000 tons of honey is available yearly). The exporter niche, however, is
not taken here yet. We are dedicated to change the situation aiming at
manufacturing and selling 1,000-4,000 tons of honey per annum.
HONEYLAND is our registered trademark in the US, Ukraine, Spain, and Italy,
and in the finalizing process for France and Czech Republic. We have
premises suitable for the food industry. We also maintain well-established
relationships with a broad network of regional beekeepers, as well as highly
qualified professionals to join the team. The plan is not solely to engage
in wholesale trade, but introduce retail activities and private labeling
offer for our customers. Moreover, we are going to introduce blockchain into
honey industry, with a goal of increasing transparency and corruption
elimination in the sector.

Currently we are looking for investors or partners to join us on the way.
The investment sought for the starting impetus is 195,000 - 245,000 US
dollars. The analysis of the business, including options for securing the
investment, commercial part, market situation, and steps for further
development like introduction and maintenance of blockchain technology is
documented in the business plan that we can share on your request.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes,

+49 176 760 28148 (EN, DE)


+38 067 902 0810 (UA, RU)

 <mailto:info at honey.land> info at honey.land
 <mailto:export at honey.land> export at honey.land
 <http://www.honey.land> www.honey.land



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