[Fiware-general-help] TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS EXHIBITION – TRANSCASPIAN 2019 (Baku, Azerbaijan)

Transport Division transport at iteca.az
Tue Jan 22 09:09:39 CET 2019

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									Web Version














												POST SHOW REPORT








												OFFICIAL SUPPORT  



												Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan 




												National Confederation of The Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic (AEC) 


												Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation 


												Small and Medium Business Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan 






															Transport, Transit and Logistics – TransCaspian Exhibition is one of the most important transport events in the Caspian Region, which comprises sectors of transport and logistics services, railway infrastructure, marine industry, aviation and commercial vehicles.


																Transportation and logistics services
																The rolling stock and rail infrastructure
																Marine industry
																Commercial vehicles


																Head of departments and specialists of the state transport structures of Azerbaijan
																Head of departments and specialists of international state transport structures
																Representatives of embassies of foreign countries in Azerbaijan
																Directors and representatives of air, rail, road and maritime transportation companies
																Representatives and specialists of international transport organisations
																Heads and transport managers of cargo owner-companies and holdings
																Directors, logistics managers, transport managers, procurement managers

															TOP COUNTRIES BY VISITING 2018

															10.Turkmenistan, others.




																		Manufacturers of railway transport and components 

																		17 %


																		Distributors and manufacturers of construction equipment and materials 

																		17 %


																		Ports, logistics centers, shipping companies 

																		16 %


																		Agriculture, food industry 

																		11 %


																		Representatives of oil and gas companies 

																		10 %


																		Distributors and manufacturers of cars and commercial vehicles, spare and component parts 

																		9 %


																		Distributors and manufacturers of road construction equipment and materials 

																		6 %


																		Electrical equipment 

																		5 %


																		Chemical industry, Manufacturers and distributors of medicines, medical equipment

																		4 %


																		Distributors and manufacturers of furniture 

																		3 %


																		Mining industry

																		2 %











									Iteca Caspian LLC
									15, Nobel avenue, 7th floor,
									Azure Business Center,
									Baku, Azerbaijan

									Sabina Rzayeva
									Tel: +99412 404 1015
									Mob: +99477 277 7015
									transport at iteca.az


									If you would prefer not to receive e-mail newsletters in future, please click here. 






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