[Fiware-general-help] CNC Machined Parts

Henrong Industrial edm at edm.vivashenro.com
Wed Dec 16 04:48:30 CET 2020


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Hi Sir,

Thanks very much for the previous contacting with you!

Merry Christmas and happy New Year! Hope the next year is a prosperous and
harvest year for both of us!

May your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness,
the joy of covered ones near, and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a
year of happiness.

Once you have any inquiry about CNC machining and Laser Cutting+ Bending in
the future, hope you could feel free to contact with us, which is much

Best regards,  
Roy Hsu

Henrong Industrial Co., Limited  
​Longshan Road No. 10, Boshan, Zibo, Shandong, China  
Tel: +86 1506-5888900  
Fax: +86 533-4200372  
Email: roy at henrongindustrial.com  
Web: www.henrongcncmachining.com

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