[Fiware-general-help] [FIWARE-JIRA] (HELP-16464) Join the Largest Deep Learning Summit in Canada

Mohamed Sadiq (JIRA) jira-help-desk at jira.fiware.org
Sun Jan 12 01:04:00 CET 2020

     [ https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-16464?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:all-tabpanel ]

Mohamed Sadiq deleted HELP-16464:

> [Fiware-general-help] Join the Largest Deep Learning Summit in Canada
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: HELP-16464
>                 URL: https://jira.fiware.org/browse/HELP-16464
>             Project: Help-Desk
>          Issue Type: extRequest
>            Reporter: FW External User
> Hi x,
> Our New Year Sale is only available until midnight this Friday January 10, saving you 25% on passes to all 2020 Summits (https://www.re-work.co/events?utm_source=RE%E2%80%A2WORK&utm_campaign=7ad06d6ae7-NEWYEAR_Toronto_2020_UNOPENS&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_81470d1b13-7ad06d6ae7-73549197) when applying the discount code NEWYEAR to your registration.
> This year, we are returning to Canada for the 4th annual edition of the RE•WORK Toronto AI Summit (https://www.re-work.co/summits/toronto-ai-summit-2020?utm_source=RE%E2%80%A2WORK&utm_campaign=7ad06d6ae7-NEWYEAR_Toronto_2020_UNOPENS&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_81470d1b13-7ad06d6ae7-73549197) , featuring 3 stages, covering Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning & AI in Finance, taking place across 2 days this October 22-23.
> Hear from renowned AI experts presenting their latest advancements and business applications, in areas such as Computer Vision, NLP, Neural Networks, Reinforcement Learning, Imitation Learning, Robotics, Anti-Money Laundering, Fraud Detection, Claims Processing, Compliance, Regulation & much more.
> To redeem this discount, simply apply the code NEWYEAR when registering to receive 25% off of your order, saving you over C$1,100 on Passes! Only available until midnight on January 10! You can claim your discounted pass HERE (https://ti.to/rework/deep-learning-summit-toronto-2020/discount/NEWYEAR?utm_source=RE%E2%80%A2WORK&utm_campaign=7ad06d6ae7-NEWYEAR_Toronto_2020_UNOPENS&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_81470d1b13-7ad06d6ae7-73549197) .
> All previous editions have been sold out events. Take this opportunity to register early (https://ti.to/rework/deep-learning-summit-toronto-2020/discount/NEWYEAR?utm_source=RE%E2%80%A2WORK&utm_campaign=7ad06d6ae7-NEWYEAR_Toronto_2020_UNOPENS&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_81470d1b13-7ad06d6ae7-73549197) and make the most of your 2020 conference budget!
> Would you like to see a copy of last years attendee list to see who regularly attends?
> Best regards,
> John McNicholas
> Senior Customer Relationship Manager
> US (415) 800-3262
> Updates:
> Get 25% Off of all Summits with the discount code NEWYEAR
> Join the RE•WORK Slack Community (https://join.slack.com/t/rework-dl/shared_invite/enQtNDAyOTE1MzAxNDI4LThjMmVkOTQ5ZjhkZGY4MzNhNGIxN2Y0Yzc2ZDIwYzEzZjQyMzMyMDdhYjUyNjAzOTg0MWRmYjk2ODc5OTMxMmY?utm_source=RE%E2%80%A2WORK&utm_campaign=7ad06d6ae7-NEWYEAR_Toronto_2020_UNOPENS&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_81470d1b13-7ad06d6ae7-73549197)
> Read speaker interviews on our Blog (https://www.re-work.co/blog?utm_source=RE%E2%80%A2WORK&utm_campaign=7ad06d6ae7-NEWYEAR_Toronto_2020_UNOPENS&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_81470d1b13-7ad06d6ae7-73549197)
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