[Fiware-general-help] 7th FIWARE Global Summit

Robert Luft Robert.Luft at visitberlin.de
Mon Jan 20 17:18:56 CET 2020

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for having chosen Berlin in 2019 for your "7th FIWARE Global Summit". We hope that you and your participants had a pleasant time and successful event in Berlin.

The visit Berlin Berlin Convention Office<http://convention.visitberlin.de/en> is the official CVB of the German capital city and offers help for your events in Berlin. Since 2001, we provide support for the organization of congresses, meetings and incentives in Berlin.

The International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA)<https://www.iccaworld.org/> publishes an annual ranking of the most important congress destinations. Currently, Berlin is number five in this recognized statistics.

In order to be able to assess the yearly number of congresses in Berlin for our ICCA congress statistics, we would like to ask you to send us the following information about your event:

·         How many persons attended your event? (number of participants)

·         Where took this Conference place? (which hotel or location?)

Your information will be used for our ICCA statistics only and rendered anonymously.

We would appreciate your support. Please kindly reply at your earliest convenience.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to welcoming you in Berlin again!

Kind regards,

Robert Luft
i.A. Robert Luft
Marketing Manager Conventions
UK, Nordics, Asia
T. +49 30 264748-828
F. +49 30 264748-965
E. robert.luft at visitBerlin.de<mailto:vorname.name at visitBerlin.de>
Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH | Am Karlsbad 11 | D-10785 Berlin
Kongresse.Tagungen.Incentives. www.convention.visitBerlin.de<http://www.convention.visitberlin.de/> | convention at visitBerlin.de<mailto:convention at visitBerlin.de> | Service +49 30 2647 48 400
Geschäftsführer: Burkhard Kieker | Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Oliver Schumacher
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg | HRB 48652 | USt-DE: 160 475 096

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Wir arbeiten datenschutzkonform. Detaillierte Hinweise zu den uns obliegenden Informationspflichten nach Art. 13, 14 DSGVO finden Sie hier<https://convention.visitberlin.de/de/datenschutzerklaerung>.
We work in accordance with data protection. Detailed information on the information obligations under article 13, 14 GDPR can be found here<https://convention.visitberlin.de/en/privacy-statement>.
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