[Fiware-general-help] Request for information concerning FIWARE Foundation - Reference F-AA0753-f

UIA Yearbook Eds ybe at uia.be
Tue Aug 31 16:45:27 CEST 2021

Fr: Yearbook of International Organizations, Editors
To: FIWARE Foundation
Re: Publication Proof to Correct, 59th edition
Reply Deadline: 9 September 2021
FIWARE Foundation is listed (for free) in the Yearbook of International Organizations, a publication of the Union of International Associations. We are an independent, not-for-profit research institute founded in 1907 to promote and facilitate the work of international associations.
Would it be possible for you to revise and if necessary correct the information we currently hold on your organization?
You can see your organization's profile at https://uia.org/user/login. Your user name is AA0753 and your password is @qd6ukoO . Your password is valid all year.
You will need to use one of the following web browsers to access the online editorial platform: Chrome; Firefox; Edge; Safari 10+

Information you provide is included free of charge and with no obligation on your part.
You can find more information on https://uia.org/yearbook and https://uia.org/faq.
We welcome additional information in response to questions included in the proof or to otherwise enhance the description of your organization.
When you login, you will see that you are also invited  to respond to UIA’s survey on meetings issues. With thanks to our sponsors –Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau, Seoul Tourism Organization, Polish Tourism Organisation – Poland Convention Bureau and VisitBritain – and especially to you for your participation. You are also invited to register for our Associations Round Tables in Europe and in Asia-Pacific (see  roundtable.uia.org for more information).
Liesbeth Van Hulle, Editor-in-Chief
Yearbook of International Organizations
Union of International Associations
Rue Washington 40
B-1050 Brussels
Tel: (32 2) 640 18 08
Fax: (32 2) 643 61 99
E-mail: yearbook at uia.be

© 2021 UIA. All rights reserved.

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