[Fiware-general-help] Request for statutes of FIWARE Foundation

Stefan Van Baelen (imec) Stefan.VanBaelen at imec.be
Fri Mar 12 15:05:18 CET 2021

Dear Madam, Sir,

We are planning to apply for membership of the FIWARE Foundation.

We found all info on the website, except for the statutes.
It seems that only the Bylaws are available.

Can you please send us the statutes of the  FIWARE Foundation,
so that we can receive internal approval to apply for membership?

Thanks in advance!

Stefan Van Baelen


Funded Project Manager Digital & User Centric Solutions, and Enabling Digital Transformations

Coordinator EIT Digital

M +32 486 65 35 02

stefan.vanbaelen at imec.be<mailto:inge.neven at imec.be>  I  www.imec-int.com<https://www.imec-int.com/>  I   LinkedIn imec<https://www.linkedin.com/company/imec/>

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