Innovation and Technology as key for future events View this email in your browser ( Good morning, I hope you are doing well. On behalf of Lausanne Montreux Congress I would like to invite you to our webinar “Solutions to drive revenue by Lausanne & Montreux” taking place on March 25th at 4PM (GMT+1) (Convert to your local time zone ( ). The last 12 months have been very challenging for all of us and have not only transformed current events, but also the way future events will be held. Innovation and Technology are key, and so are partnership and collaboration! Home to world-leading education, research, multinational companies and start-ups, the region of Lausanne and Montreux at the shores of Lake Geneva is also called Innovation & Technology Valley. The region is the perfect playground for your events, congresses or conferences. You will discover how partners of Lausanne Montreux Congress can help you drive revenue for your future hybrid events in our beautiful region. Our agenda includes presentations from our partners: * SPEI ( – the promotional service of economy and innovation of the canton of Vaud. * Vivactis ( – the world’s largest independent life science & healthcare communications network. * Wiz-Team SA ( – the solution provider for Event and Games management software. We would be excited to e-meet you. You can register on the following link ( Please do not hesitate to come back to us should you require additional information. Kind regards, stay well and safe! Mickael, on behalf of Lausanne Montreux Congress MICKAEL BENAIM benaim at (mailto:benaim at Tel: +44 (0) 1625 460289 ( ============================================================ ** Twitter ( ** Facebook ( ** Website ( Copyright © 2021 Lausanne Montreux Congress, All rights reserved. We have contacted you because you organise meetings, incentives, conferences and events in different worldwide locations and therefore may have an interest in Ireland as a possible destination for your events. Our mailing address is: Lausanne Montreux Congress Av. de Rhodanie 2 Lausanne CP 975 1001 Switzerland Want to change how you receive these emails? You can ** update your preferences ( or ** unsubscribe from this list ( . Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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