webversion:https://tracking.e3-communications.com/w/1619/c52301d611efeaad549fb3fb592f1190/0 facebook <https://www.facebook.com/groups/17387268602/> Linkedin <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2078853/> Twitter <https://twitter.com/@eLAconference> youtube <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snGQNtYULGg&feature=youtu.be> rss <http://ela-newsportal.com/feed/> instagram <https://www.instagram.com/elearning.africa/> Dear eLearning Africa Community, Welcome to the February edition of the eLearning Africa Newsletter in which we would like to share news on the latest developments with regard to the future of education, training and skills development on the African continent as well as updates on what you can expect at eLearning Africa, the 15th Pan-African Conference & Exhibition on Digital Education, Training & Skills Development, which will take place from May 11 – 13, in Kigali, Rwanda. We hope you enjoy this edition of our newsletter and hope to see you at eLearning Africa. 1. Interview with keynote speaker Senior Futurist Dr. Njeri Mwagiru 2. Africa’s Schools – Discussing Facets of a Key Component of the Continent’s Future 3. TooShare, the first African educational social network on its way to revolutionising EdTech 4. What the future has in store for e-learning platforms 5. The Learning & Development Global Sentiment Survey Results– Africa’s views 6. The eLearning Africa Debate Interview with Keynote Speaker Dr. Njeri Mwagiru Njeri Mwagiru <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/ressources/profiles/profile.php?address_id=682574> is a Senior Futurist at the Institute for Futures Research (IFR) at Stellenbosch University Business School in South Africa. Dr. Mwagiru’s work focuses on strengthening capabilities of individuals, organisations, and states in Africa to navigate complexity and uncertainty, and to realise long-term goals and visions for the continent. She will be a keynote speaker at this year’s eLearning Africa Conference <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/programme_highlights_2022.php> in Kigali, Rwanda. Read more about Dr Njeri Mwagiru’s work and insights in our interview with her on what the future may hold for Africa. More ... <https://ela-newsportal.com/interview-with-keynote-speaker-dr-njeri-mwagiru/> Africa’s Schools – Discussing Facets of a Key Component of the Continent’s Future For centuries, people have assumed that “learning” was something that happened in “schools.” In 1999, however, when the letter “e” (short for “electronic”) was added for the for the first time to “learning”, there was an earthquake, which has now resulted in many people questioning whether bricks-and-mortar schools actually have a future at all any more. The unprecedented closure of traditional schools during the COVID pandemic has brought the issue to the forefront of debate about the future of education. Schools that favour ‘traditional learning’ and those that make the maximum possible use of new learning scenarios are both part of Africa’s education landscape and, for the foreseeable future, they will continue to develop side by side – and to learn from each other. eLearning Africa 2022 will offer discussion space for themes of direct relevance to Africa’s schools. The various thematic areas and their topics include, More ... <https://ela-newsportal.com/africas-schools-continent-future/> TooShare, the First African Educational Social Network on its Way to Revolutionising EdTech Created in Senegal by Abdoulaye MBENGUE, TooShare is a technological feat that aims to revolutionize education for all in order to overcome the deficiencies of the educational system through easy access to educational content. With a growing population, Africa is expected to double its population by 2050. From one billion inhabitants today to nearly 2.4 billion, the continent will be a real reservoir of human resources and talent. In order to create a link between a highly connected generation and an educational system that is too often disrupted, TooShare <https://www.tooshare.com/> is a new concept that is 100% African and that combines an e-learning platform and a social network. Its objective is to share knowledge by connecting learners, trainers and training institutes through a technological environment that uses the codes and features of social networks, coupled with a Learning Management System. More ... <https://ela-newsportal.com/tooshare-the-first-african-educational-social-network/> What the Future Has in Store for e-Learning Platforms eLearning platforms have come a long way. For a long time, they supported teachers’ work in the classroom. The most common uses were uploading learning materials, organizing classes, evaluating students and awarding certificates. The pandemic changed everything since e-learning platforms became the main way of teaching and learning. Even though many schools and universities have already used them before, the health crisis accelerated the adoption of edtech. Indeed, edtech was a lifesaver back then, but it continues to play an increasingly important role. As teachers and students are more comfortable with using technology, we need to look ahead and see what else edtech can do for them. More ... <https://ela-newsportal.com/what-the-future-has-in-store-for-e-learning-platforms> The Learning & Development Global Sentiment Survey Results – Africa’s views: What are the global trends in L&D, and how does the view from Africa compare? The results are out for the L&D Global Sentiment Survey 2022 <https://donaldhtaylor.co.uk/insight/gss2022-results-01-general/> . They show how Covid-19 continues to affect Learning and Development (L&D) world-wide, both giving L&D departments clear goals to aim for, and making it difficult to achieve them. The single obligatory question asked was: “What will be hot in workplace L&D in 2022?” Over 3,500 people participated from 112 countries, including, for the first time, a significant cohort from Africa (405 participants). More ... <https://ela-newsportal.com/african-and-global-trends-in-ld/> The eLearning Africa Debate The annual eLearning Africa Debate is a highly spirited, provocative parliamentary-style Plenary session that will take place on Friday afternoon on May 13. This year’s debate motion is: "This House believes Africa urgently needs an African education model" In the past, African education was heavily influenced by colonialism. More recently, globalism has been setting the agenda. But now, as African countries come together to create ACFTA, a single market for the whole continent, is it time to concentrate on a pan-African model for education and training that makes the most of Africa's unique circumstances and opportunities, as well as its heritage and traditions? Or is it, on the contrary, time to embrace globalism more passionately and put an end to African exceptionalism? Join us with your questions, comments and contributions and vote! More ... <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/programme_debate.php> eLearning Africa is now on Instagram! Make sure to follow us for current trends and insights on all things regarding eLearning in Africa. We will be sharing sneak previews of the upcoming conference in Rwanda in the coming weeks. <https://www.instagram.com/elearning.africa/> Platinum Sponsors <https://www.hp.com/> <https://www.oneconnect.co.za/about-us> <https://www.class.com/> <https://www.tooshare.com/> MRT Sponsors <https://www.cypherlearning.com/> <https://www.hp.com/> <https://www.coursera.org/campus> Gold Sponsors <https://nea.appliansys.com/> <https://moodle.com/> Silver Sponsors <http://www.etsglobal.org/> <http://www.panopto.com/> <https://www.coursera.org/campus> Sponsors <https://certiport.pearsonvue.com/> <https://kamaleon.co.mz/> <https://bookt.app/> Partners <https://edtechhub.org/> <https://www.enabel.be/> <http://www.aheen.net/> <https://hpi.de/> <https://www.atingi.org/> Official Carrier <https://www.rwandair.com/book/> Co-hosted by <https://rcb.rw/> -------------------------------- eLearning Africa Secretariat: ICWE GmbH, Leibnizstrasse 32 10625 Berlin, Germany www.elearning-africa.com <https://www.elearning-africa.com/> elearning-africa-conference.com <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/> Tel.: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0 Fax: +49 (0)30 324 98 33 info at icwe.net icwe.net <http://www.icwe.net/> If you wish to have your name removed from our mailing list, please send an e-mail with the subject "unsubscribe" to ela-newsservice at e3-communications.com or click here https://tracking.e3-communications.com/u/1619/c52301d611efeaad549fb3fb592f1190/ . Do you know friends or colleagues who might be interested in information about eLearning Africa <https://elearning-africa.com> ? Feel free to direct them to the subscription form: eLA News Portal <http://ela-newsportal.com> . For more information on eLearning Africa, including registering to participate in the Conference and to view the full programme, click here <http://www.elearning-africa.com/programme_table.php> . -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-general-help/attachments/20220420/1d0db4a9/attachment-0001.html>
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