[Fiware-general-help] eLearning Africa News – January Edition

eLearning Africa 2022 ela-newsservice at e3-communications.com
Thu Jan 27 14:02:35 CET 2022


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Dear eLearning Africa Community,

We would like to use this opportunity to wish you all a very happy, healthy and successful New Year.

In our January edition of the eLearning Africa Newsletter, we would like to share more on our partners, sponsors, and experts, as well as on our latest activities and news. We hope you enjoy this edition of our newsletter and look forward to hearing your stories.

Education's Next Revolution <https://ela-newsportal.com/revolution-of-education/>  	

As a result of the pandemic, global education is now going through a period of ‘creative destruction’, as the sector is assailed by external and internal forces, which are nonetheless catalysing innovation. Teachers all around the world have been forced to learn new skills and adapt to a new environment, while technology is bringing new players into the EdTech sector to provide teachers with new ways to reach their students. These trends will continue to amplify the evolution of education. Companies seamlessly combining technology with learning will be the winners in the growing revolution in education. Educators, entrepreneurs, technologists and policy makers who want to reshape their education ecosystems would do well to read the advice offered here by Mayank Dhingra, Senior Education Business Leader, HP EMEA. HP is Platinum and Ministerial Round Table sponsor at eLearning Africa 2022. More ... <https://ela-newsportal.com/revolution-of-education/> 

Interview with keynote speaker Jamie Cassap <https://ela-newsportal.com/interview-with-keynote-speaker-jamie-cassap/> 

Jaime Casap was the second member of the Google for Education team. In that time, he launched Google’s GSuite tools into higher education and K12, brought Chromebooks into education, and was the creator of the Google for Education Transformation Framework – a holistic approach to education transformation.  In his keynote <https://elearning-africa.com/conference2022/programme_highlights_2022.php>  this May in Kigali, Casap will speak about his current work focused on learning, skills development, digitalisation, and the future of work.  More ... <https://ela-newsportal.com/interview-with-keynote-speaker-jamie-cassap/> 

eLearning Africa’s Vibrant Accompanying Exhibition <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/exhibition.php> 

The exhibition <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/exhibition.php>  is eLearning Africa's networking hub, hosting leading international and African education, training and technology companies and institutions.

It showcases the full spectrum of innovation in EdTech from gamified learning apps to online proctoring tools, industry leading LMSs to augmented reality devices, content providers to explainer videos, established publishing services to pioneering educational hardware and much, much more; catering to all academic, corporate and public sector learning/training needs. It’s this diverse and comprehensive mix that makes the exhibition a magnet for buyers, analysts and investors in EdTech.

It will allow you to explore the leading learning technology providers and acquaint yourself with the disruptive business models of international EdTech startups. It will help you to find partners and solutions for a successful digital transformation.

Find out here who is joining us here <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/exhibition.php>  and watch this space for further updates… 

Skills and Credentialing in the General Context of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) <https://ela-newsportal.com/skills-and-credentialing-in-the-general-context-of-the-african-continental-free-trade-area-afcfta/> 

There is untapped potential in Africa’s vibrant and youthful workforce which provides an opportunity for the entire continent. To unleash this potential, the states of the African Union (AU) signed the Kigali Declaration of 2018 which signalled their intent to create a Free Trade Area in Africa. However, there are institutional restraints that inhibit Africa’s economic growth: individuals that have acquired skills in one country may not have these skills recognised by another. New innovative credentials have the potential to overcome these institutional restraints. These credentials have exploded in relevance in the last two years as the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the growth of online courses as a means of experiencing world class education from anywhere in the world. More ... <https://ela-newsportal.com/skills-and-credentialing-in-the-general-context-of-the-african-continental-free-trade-area-afcfta/> 

The Learning & Development Global Sentiment Survey – Africa’s views: <http://donaldhtaylor.co.uk/survey/> 

What will be hot in workplace learning in Africa this year? Please vote in this year's L&D Global Sentiment Survey <http://donaldhtaylor.co.uk/survey/> . Run by the chair of the London Learning Technologies conference, Donald H Taylor, it takes one minute to complete and has one obligatory question: What will be hot in workplace L&D in 2022? Donald will share the global and African results in a webinar. Share your thoughts and claim your free report now: Click here <http://donaldhtaylor.co.uk/survey/> 

The 13th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table in Review <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/programme_mrt.php> 

The 13th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table was held online on November 3, 2021 in partnership with Coursera for Campus. Ministers and officials from countries including Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Namibia, Egypt, Mauritania, Rwanda, Madagascar, Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Eritrea and Benin joined experts from around the world for a discussion about the role of higher education in transforming Africa through skills development. You can view the Communiqué and read more about the discussions here <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/programme_mrt.php> . The 14th Elearning Africa Ministerial Round Table will take place on May 11 in Kigali, Rwanda and address the theme "Getting Back on Track - Practical Steps towards 2063". More ... <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/programme_mrt.php> 

Skills Development Initiatives and Best Practices to Be Featured at eLearning Africa 2022 <https://ela-newsportal.com/skills-development-initiatives-and-best-practices-to-be-featured-at-elearning-africa-2022/> 

Africa's diverse education systems face the challenge of producing highly skilled individuals. eLearning Africa 2022 will feature sessions that address skills development in diverse contexts such as in school, TVET, higher education, health, as well as digital skills to transform youth into a digitally adaptive, skilled, and innovative workforce. Read more about what the eLearning Africa programme will feature on skills development here <https://ela-newsportal.com/skills-development-initiatives-and-best-practices-to-be-featured-at-elearning-africa-2022/> .

Platinum Sponsors


MRT Sponsors


Silver Sponsors






Official Carrier



eLearning Africa Secretariat:
ICWE GmbH, Leibnizstrasse 32 
10625 Berlin, Germany
www.elearning-africa.com <https://www.elearning-africa.com/> 
elearning-africa-conference.com <https://www.elearning-africa.com/conference2022/>
Tel.: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0 
Fax: +49 (0)30 324 98 33
info at icwe.net
icwe.net <http://www.icwe.net/>  

If you wish to have your name removed from our mailing list, please send an e-mail with the subject "unsubscribe" to ela-newsservice at e3-communications.com or click here https://tracking.e3-communications.com/u/1619/485ca02891b2bfa334689898008d3b76/ .

Do you know friends or colleagues who might be interested in information about eLearning Africa <https://elearning-africa.com> ? Feel free to direct them to the subscription form: eLA News Portal <http://ela-newsportal.com> .

For more information on eLearning Africa, including registering to participate in the Conference and to view the full programme, click here <http://www.elearning-africa.com/programme_table.php> .
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