[Fiware-general-help] Fwd: [FIWARE-JIRA] (FLUA-4167) Olimpia DB

Alessandra Sorrentino alessandra.sorrentino at unifi.it
Fri Jul 22 15:04:53 CEST 2022

Dear all,

I am Alessandra Sorrentino, a researcher at the University of Florence
(Italy) and I send a request to upgrade my FIWARE Account more than 1 month
Since I did not receive an email back and I need to find a solution asap
for my project, I would like to ask you if you can help in fixing this
issue, by giving me an update on my request status.

You can check the emails received during my request process in the

Thank you for your time,
Alessandra Sorrentino

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Da: FIWARE LAB Upgrade Account <communityaccount at jira.fiware.org>
Date: mer 15 giu 2022 alle ore 03:31
Subject: [FIWARE-JIRA] (FLUA-4167) Olimpia DB
To: <alessandra.sorrentino at unifi.it>


Below you find a summary of your account request. In case of further
information required, you will be contacted.
At each evolution of your account request you will be notified with an
email. In case you need to interact with
the support, please **please reply to this email** or contact the helpdesk
including your request id (FLUA-xxxx)

Account request id: FLUA-4167

(As part of OLIMPIA Project (Italian Regional Project), we would like to
use FIWARE to handle data coming from wearable sensors durin gmotor
rehabilitation activities. )

Status: Open

User full name: Olimpia
User account to be upgraded: alessandra.sorrentino at unifi.it
Accelerator submission name:
Preferred FIWARE Lab Node: Vicenza
Number of VMs: 1.0
# public IPs:
total # vCPUs: 1.0
total RAM: 2.0
total harddisk: 10.0
Object Storage:

Additional Comments/Requirements:

This email was generated by the FIWARE JIRA (http://jira.fiware.org)
following a request for account upgrade to community status.

*Dr. Alessandra Sorrentino *
Ph.D. Biorobotics,
Department of Industrial Engineering (DIEF),
University of Florence
via Santa Marta 3, 50139 Firenze

Assistive BioRobotics Joint Lab
Viale Rinaldo Piaggio, 34, 56025 Pontedera, Pisa - ITALY
Phone: +39 050 883478
e-mail: alessandra.sorrentino at unifi.it <laura.fiorini at santannapisa.it>
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