[Fiware-general-help] Live your best possible legal βš–οΈ life with our next PODIM PROGRAM BLOCK πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€βš–οΈ

Urban from Podim team urban.lapajne at tovarnapodjemov.org
Fri May 6 15:36:58 CEST 2022

Maribor, 16 - 18 of May 2022 
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Hi ,

How is your business handling the bureaucracy, taxes, laws and
regulations of new technologies like cryptocurrencies, and how far the
prospects of social media can go? It's not an easy job, is it? 

It doesn't matter if you're an ideas full startup, market-rocking
corporation or mature SME, you really shouldn't underestimate the
legal framework of a business which ensures that your service or product
is protected, that you're not operating illegally, and that you don't
lose out if things change in your team. That is why you need experts you
can trust, who will make your business better by doing their law-knowing
magic with a pinch of user analytics and tracking. 

The next program block will introduce you to some of the best legal
experts in the startup ecosystem, as they'll share their experience,
advice and insights on how to live your best possible legal life.



Nejc Novak

is the founder of NLaw, a boutique law firm. He started his career at
one of the most prestigious Slovenian law firms, Miro Senica and
Attorneys Ltd, and was a member of the Blockchain Policy and Framework
Conditions Working Group at the European Blockchain Forum and

Mojca Lukač

is a tax senior manager at Ernst & Young Slovenia. She joined EY in 2005
and is based in the Ljubljana office. Her primary focus involves
multinational clients, more specifically, their human capital. 

Simon Belak

is a philosopher slash hacker and head of analytics at the Slovenian
Startup of the Year 2021 winner, Bird Buddy. He used to be a chief
analytics & revenue officer at GoOpti International and a mad scientist
at Metabase. He is also the founder of Hekovnik, a startup school & a
business accelerator. 

Nina Siedler
is a business lawyer and DWF partner with more than twenty years of
experience in advising on corporate and finance transactions, during the
past five years with a focus on blockchain / DLT projects. She is
serving as one of the board directors at thinkBLOCKtank as well. 

Nejc Setnikar
is a partner and attorney at NLaw. He is also a member of the
Disciplinary Commission of the I. level at the Bar Association of
Slovenia. He used to be a chief legal officer at Zavod mladi podjetnik
(Young Entrepreneur Institute).

UrΕ‘ka Cujnik
is a senior associate and partner at NLaw. She used to be a junior
associate at the Slovenian law firm Miro Senica and Attorneys, Ltd.
UrΕ‘ka also worked as an expert associate for compliance, risk
management and anti-money laundering at Porsche Kredit in Leasing SLO,

Don't have a PODIM ticket yet? Hurry up, we are almost sold out: 


Our PODIM program is really rock'n'rolling this year, so don't miss a
chance to meet the coolest speakers of the tech world!

See you there!
Urban, Program Manager of Podim 



Venture Factory, ©Tovarna podjemov, zavod,  Ulica őkofa Maksimilijana Držečnika 6 , 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

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