To: FIWARE Foundation E-mailed to: fiware-general-help at Ref: Last call for registration: UIA Associations Round Table Europe 2022 in Rotterdam The Union of International Associations (UIA) cordially invites FIWARE Foundation to participate in its 16th Associations Round Table Europe at the Postillion Convention Center Rotterdam, Netherlands on Thursday 24 & Friday 25 November 2022 The UIA Associations Round Table Europe 2022 is an event designed for participants working in and with international associations, and we hope to see many of you in Rotterdam! Thanks to the support of our host Rotterdam Partners and of our sponsors and partners, we are able to offer a high-level educational programme for a low fee: * the registration fee for Round Table Europe in Rotterdam is EUR 70.00 (plus 21% VAT) To register for Round Table Europe 2022 go to You are welcome to register any number of delegates; each of your delegates will need to register separately. What you can expect: * presentations on common challenges by peers working in international associations and by experts * discussions in workshops and break-out rooms with the chance to ask in-depth questions and to share and exchange knowledge and experience * UIA team members will moderate the sessions throughout, guiding and assisting the delegates * networking breaks, lunches, dinner * three exciting tours to discover Rotterdam Please, see all the topics of the programme and the schedule at UIA is an independent non-profit research institute founded in 1907 which has documented and promoted the work of international associations for 115 years. We look forward to welcoming you at our 16th Associations Round Table Europe in Rotterdam! Sincerely, Carol Williams Union of International Associations 40 rue Washingtonstraat 1050 Brussels -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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