[Fiware-general-help] CNC machining Parts

Ivy Cui edm at edm.vivashenro.com
Tue Nov 15 04:31:56 CET 2022


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Dear Sir,

Hope you are doing well!

Since the end of this year will be coming, shall we know if there is any new
project we can support? If yes, please feel free to contact us:-) We believe
our competitive quality and service will bring solid values to your esteemed

Look forward to your reply.  
Best regards,  

Henrong Industrial Co., Limited  
Longshan Road No. 10, Boshan, Zibo, Shandong, China  
Tel: +86 1768-5607582  
Fax: +86 533-4200372  
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ivycuikee  
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/ivy-cui-135524154  
Email: ivy at henrongindustrial.com  
Web: www.henrongcncmachining.com

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