[Fiware-general-help] Natural Ventures Pte. Ltd needed investment programs in EU.

Natural Ventures naturalventures2022 at gmail.com
Sat May 27 09:29:59 CEST 2023

Hello team,

My name is Ibrokhim Akhmedov, our company, Natural Ventures Pte Ltd (based
in Singapore), has been specializing in agriculture for the past 7 years,
in particular, in the bio-technology invented by our team in the production
of animal feed components from the agriculture wastes.

Our company successfully obtained 30+patents in 30+ countries, including
USA, India, ASEAN countries. Regarding European countries, our IP law
agents are in final process of getting Patents in those countries.  But we
still would need an investment program to promote our agro startup in
foreign country.

Our current email addresses to top 3 European countries, Turkey, Italy and
Spain, their total agro wastes amounts 650,000 tons per year. If we apply
our technology to these countries, we can recycle 455,000 tons of
agricultural wastes which potentially saves up to 150,344,000 Euros

On request we can provide all documents such as a business plan, reports on
experiments conducted in animal farms (in several countries) and other

Attached patent and pitch.

Ibrokhim Akhmedov

Project Manager

[image: photo_2023-05-10_14-18-30.jpg]

4 Battery Road, #25-1

BOC building, Singapore 049908

Phone: +65 8892 6894

WhatsApp +65 8742 1936

Web page: cb-feed.com
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