[New Economy Forum Logo <https://public-eur.mkt.dynamics.com/api/orgs/23ce9171-24c3-ed11-a10d-000d3a486c54/r/FMQl9dj8tU65h_j1b3G4ZAQAAAA?target=%7B%22TargetUrl%22%3A%22https%253A%252F%252Fforumeuropa.eu%252F%22%2C%22RedirectOptions%22%3A%7B%221%22%3Anull%7D%7D&digest=NlZBHV2%2BhlqkvPYoINdw0xGg8G1glY%2BUJUZxEJRXojU%3D&secretVersion=7c13c22c20aa46a1b2fc8b71fde4d19a>] [forumeuropa.eu <https://public-eur.mkt.dynamics.com/api/orgs/23ce9171-24c3-ed11-a10d-000d3a486c54/r/FMQl9dj8tU65h_j1b3G4ZAUAAAA?target=%7B%22TargetUrl%22%3A%22https%253A%252F%252Fforumeuropa.eu%252F%22%2C%22RedirectOptions%22%3A%7B%221%22%3Anull%7D%7D&digest=NlZBHV2%2BhlqkvPYoINdw0xGg8G1glY%2BUJUZxEJRXojU%3D&secretVersion=7c13c22c20aa46a1b2fc8b71fde4d19a>] Mr. Andrea Battaglia CEO FIWARE FOUNDATION Dear Mr. Battaglia , Due to a change in the agenda of Mr. Guillaume Faury , Airbus Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Forum Europa event that was originally scheduled on 18 October is postponed . We will inform you of the new date as soon as possible . We apologise for any inconvenience. Kind regards, José Luis Rodríguez President NEW ECONOMY FORUM © 2024 New Economy International Forum. All rights reserved. Sevilla 6, 28014 Madrid, Spain [Unsuscribe <https://public-eur.mkt.dynamics.com/api/orgs/23ce9171-24c3-ed11-a10d-000d3a486c54/r/FMQl9dj8tU65h_j1b3G4ZAYAAAA?target=%7B%22TargetUrl%22%3A%22https%253A%252F%252Fpublic-eur.mkt.dynamics.com%252Fapi%252Fv2.0%252Forgs%252F23ce9171-24c3-ed11-a10d-000d3a486c54%252Fconsent%252Fpreferences%253FcontextId%253Dc954dfa7-bc8b-ef11-ac20-6045bd9c0a03%22%2C%22RedirectOptions%22%3A%7B%225%22%3Anull%2C%221%22%3Anull%7D%7D&digest=WK8fbnL77fVdchty%2BPbozSVGsXgS7homLmjRsZWol0o%3D&secretVersion=7c13c22c20aa46a1b2fc8b71fde4d19a>] New Economy International Forum, SL owns the registered marks New Economy Forum, Nueva Economía Fórum, Forum Europa, and Forum Europe, as well as the domains forumeuropa.eu, .be, .cat, .com, .es, .info; forumeurope.be, .org, .uk; and forum-europe.net. If you no longer wish to receive communications through this channel or if you wish to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, you can do so by clicking on "Unsubscribe" or sending a written request to: C/Sevilla, 6, 28014 Madrid, Spain or via e-mail to the address: events at forumeuropa.eu together with valid proof in law, such as a photocopy of your ID card and indicating in the subject line: "DATA PROTECTION". The information contained in this e-mail, as well as in the attached documents, is confidential and privileged for the exclusive use of the person or persons to whom it is addressed. Access to this message is not permitted to any person other than those indicated. If you are not one of the addressees, any duplication, reproduction, distribution, as well as any use of the information contained herein or any other action or omission taken in connection therewith, is prohibited and may be unlawful. The registration and attendance to the event of reference implies the consent of the guest to the recording and transmission or broadcasting of their image, in the informative context of the event. This message does not imply the creation of contractual relationships or other commitments through the use of this message. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://lists.fiware.org/private/fiware-general-help/attachments/20241016/0ccfd6c0/attachment-0001.html>
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