[Fiware-gold-members] H2020 open calls and funding strategy

Stefano De Panfilis stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org
Thu Aug 23 11:58:17 CEST 2018

dear associate, gold and platinum members,

as you well know a quite large number of calls have been set by the
european commission and many of them are already open.

with this email we would like to share with all of you two documents:
- the funding strategy policy agreed and issued by the bod (attached)
- the shared table that provide basic information for each and every open
and future h2020 call including the link to the call and the judgment of
interest we, boo (board of officers), did. such interest is provided
through marking colors where the red is of outmost importance.
(you will receive also a notification email from google about accessing the
shared table)

we hope this will be of help to create strong committed consortia where
fiware will play an important as well as adequate role.

feel free to share ideas and/or additional comments on how to implement the


*Stefano De Panfilis*
*Chief Operating Officer   *
*FIWARE Foundation e.V.*

Franklinstrasse 13A
10587 Berlin

mob: +393357542567
skype: depa01
twitter: depa01
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