[Fiware-gold-members] European Commission/Open Data Call and Context Broker - Webinar

Tonia Sapia tonia.sapia at fiware.org
Tue Sep 22 16:48:10 CEST 2020

Dear Members,

> The European Commission has organized a webinar on 24th September at 15:00
> where it will introduce the Context Broker as CEF Building Block.
> During the webinar *Daniele Rizzi (DG CNECT), will explain the objectives
> of  "Open Data" call where the Context Broker is mentioned as a privileged
> solution.*
> We encourage you to participate and  learn more about this grant
> opportunity.
> The Deadline is expected on 5th *November 2020.*
> Below, the official link to the page for registration. Do not miss it!
> *The European Union can help you transform the way you make your
> decisions!*
> *Link to the registration *
> https://ec.europa.eu/cefdigital/wiki/display/CEFDIGITAL/CB-BDTI+Webinar+Autumn+2020
> [image: image.png]
> Tonia Sapia
> Marketing and Project Manager
> tonia.sapia at fiware.org <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>
> www.fiware.org
> Skype: tonia133
> LinkedIn: Tonia Sapia <http://linkedin.com/in/tonia-sapia-a171bb63>
> <https://twitter.com/fiware>
> <https://www.fiware.org/summit/>
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