Dear all, Thank you for joining us today for our first Marketing Round-up Call using our new event platform: AirMeet. Unfortunately, we did experience some technical difficulties here and there so thank you to all attendees and guest speakers for sticking with us. The presentation that couldn't take place will of course be moved to a future Marketing Round-up Call. Today's call was very much focused on the upcoming live events that FIWARE will be participating in at the end of 2021: Smart Country Convention, SCEWC, and IOTSWC. In the PPT you will therefore also find a form through which you can express your interest in attending one or more of these events with us. In addition, there were also plenty of PR and FIWARE Marketing Materials to catch you up on, FIWARE Impact Stories, community events, and much more. Missed the call this afternoon? The *PPT* <> and *Meeting Minutes* <> are available for all. I would also like to take this opportunity to once again ask you to *provide the details* <> of the person in charge of *Marketing and/or Communications* within your organization - or, if you are a *FIWARE* *Evangelist* then please feel free to fill out the form too. The next Marketing Round-up Call will take place on *28 May 2021* (on a Friday for one time only) and invites will be sent to those who fill out the form. If you have already filled out the form then there is no need to do this again. Best, Charlotte Charlotte Kotterman Community Manager charlotte.kotterman at Skype: charlotte.kotterman <> <> -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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