[Fiware-gold-members] [IMPORTANT] FIWARE Foundation: elections of gold member representatives in the Board of Directors

Stefano De Panfilis stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org
Mon Aug 15 17:14:07 CEST 2022

dear colleagues,

as you know the representatives of gold members in the fiware
foundation bod shall be periodically renewed, and now we are at the moment
in time to celebrate such elections.

the goal is to end the elections process by the 9th september 2022 when,
colocated with the fiware global summit (
https://www.fiware.org/global-summit/), there will be on 13th september,
the fiware foundation general assembly (on another email thread there will
be announcement for the general assembly, please refer to that for it)
where the gold representatives to the bod shall be announced.

at this point in time we have 7 platinum members so, according to the
bylaws, the 85 gold members (all categories - normal, startup, strategic
end users), at this point in time all regular members of the fiware
foundation, have the possibility to elect 7 representatives to become
members of the bod in behalf of the whole gold members group.

the elections schedule is as follows:
- 15-26 (18:00) aug 2022: presentation of candidatures
- 29.aug - 2.sep (18:00) 2022: voting
- 5-7 (18.00) sep: voting (second round, this in case of tie elections, it
happened in the past)
- 9 september end of the process.

so with this email i kindly ask you to tell (only to me for the moment) if
you would like to nominate yourself as candidate for such position. in the
case of yes, please add a short paragraph (half - one page max)  to tell
the others who you are and why you think yourself to be a good candidate.
deadline for your answer is this friday 26th august 2022 at 18:00.

although there are not provisions in the bylaws about candidatures, we
expect those organisations who did not paid yet the annual fee to abstene
to candidate themselves or, if they wish so, to make their payments

this way on 29th aug, as required, i can launch the elections week with a
dedicated email telling you who are the candidates, providing you all their
candidature statements, and describing the voting procedures so to have
fair elections.

please acknowledge you have received this email.

thank you for your kind collaboration on the matter.


Stefano De Panfilis
Chief Operating Officer
stefano.depanfilis at fiware.org <charlotte.kotterman at fiware.org>
Mob: +393357542567
Skype: depa01
twitter: depa01

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