[Fiware-gold-members] Minutes of the FIWARE Smart Cities Domain MSC today

Juanjo Hierro juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
Tue Nov 8 16:02:53 CET 2022

Hi everyone,

   Thanks to all who participated in the Smart Cities Domain MSC 
(Mission Support Committee) meeting today.  It came with great 
participation and a lot of interesting content and discussions.

   Here it goes the minutes 
of the meeting.  Those who attended but missed to pencil down their 
participation in the table of Attendees you can find at the beginning of 
the minutes please do so.  I will keep the document open for edition 
still a today and tomorrow.

   I take the opportunity to remind you that those who are willing to 
join the FIWARE Smart Cities Domain MSC mailing list register on the 
public registration page for that mailing list 

   If you want me to add you directly in the monthly calendar invitation 
for meetings of the MSC, please send me an email so that I can add you 
to the invitation.

   Best regards,

Juanjo Hierro
Chief Technology Officer
juanjose.hierro at fiware.org
www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro <https://www.linkedin.com/in/jhierro>
Twitter: @fiware <https://twitter.com/fiware> @JuanjoHierro 

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