Dear Björn, Thank you so much for your valuable words and for your commitment and passion for driving FIWARE toward the new challenges ahead! Esteemed representatives of the FIWARE Gold Members, I strongly believe that the upcoming Town Hall is crucial to gathering your feedback on the FIWARE strategy and programmatically sharing actionable insights. It will also be the first of a series. The FIWARE Community we envision is even more vibrant and collaborative, where every voice, expertise and skill can make a greater impact. We are unwavering in our commitment to developing new programs and processes that ensure your participation as Gold Members remains continuous and impactful. Your contributions are invaluable to the growth and success of the FIWARE community. Thank you again for your time and consideration. I look forward to e-meeting you all. With my best regards, Andrea Andrea Battaglia <> CEO Phone: +39 328 1093652 Email: andrea.battaglia at <> On Tue, May 7, 2024 at 2:28 AM Björn Schwarze <BS at> wrote: > Fellow Gold Members, > > > > Thank you for your support in the last months! It has been a rough ride > inside the Fiware Foundation BoD. > > > > Let me invite you to the townhall meeting and please let me give you a > couple of insights in advance: > > > > With only a couple of days notice CEO and CTO announced their departure > last September during two separate Board meetings. This was combined with > the announcement of the departure of the Chairman of the Board Dario > Avalone for yearend 2023. > > > > Until the first Board meeting daily operations were running smoothly and > all meetings were basically just listening to the activities of a > functioning BoO. Beginning with that meeting, we entered into a very active > board period, with meetings every two weeks and planning for the future of > FIWARE. As year end was approaching we need to focus on identifying and > selecting a new CEO, as there was no chance/time available for a strategy > discussion for the FIWARE itself. > > When hiring a top manager he will have a strategy and a view of the > FIWARE, especially as we were asking for them to present this in the > interview process. The strategy discussion was happening in the interview > process itself and each CEO candidate communicated his vision to us. It > became obvious that we will enter into discussions with any new candidate, > which would be elected. The BoD had extensive discussions on each candidate > (and vision) and finally decided for Andrea Battaglia. > > > > The strategy process started with electing Andrea Battaglia as new CEO in > December/January 1st and took almost five month to conclude for the moment. > As FIWARE is employing 30 + people and several projects running a > management nightmare. In our last extraordinary BoD meeting for now at > least the Board of Directors (Platinums and Golds) and the CEO are sharing > one vision for the future of FIWARE. We all know, that we are in need to > discuss this with all of you and get feedback. That is why we asked Andrea > to organize town hall meetings and we encourage all of you to participate. > > > > As for most of the BoD discussions we are always asked to keep it > internal. That is why it is so difficult to communicate with all of you, we > will need to address this. I am personally feeling uncomfortable not > communicating and I am demanding these open feedback rounds. > > > > I fully support Andreas vision building a strong Fiware Foundation, which > is delivering solutions for its members and grows beyond research. Please > support us in this mission, provide feedback and start working towards the > future and change! > > > > Looking forward seeing you in the townhall meeting or in case of a more > detailed discussion – reach out to me by mail / phone, etc. > > > > Björn Schwarze > > Gold member representative on the BoD > > > > > > Björn Schwarze > > > > ADDIX GmbH > > > > Tel: +49 431 7755 101 > > Fax: +49 431 7755 105 > > > > bs at > > > > > > Hausanschrift: ADDIX GmbH | Kaistraße 101 | D-24114 Kiel Amtsgericht Kiel > HRB 5992 | Geschäftsführer: Björn Schwarze > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
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