Dear Soul-Fi, As a winner of Soul-Fi Round A I would like to put forward our project Park Shark Street Cam as a great example of what can be done with Fi-Ware and apply to showcase with Soul-Fi at the GSMA congress. We have also applied for round B and as we progress with the project we expect to have even more success with the platform. Park Shark Stree Cam Soul-Fi project nr. 632814 subgrant agreement nr. 2014/A 28 is a smart solution to help drivers find street parking faster and so far we have run tests and small pilots (one street) already in Amsterdam and have further agreements to run larger scale pilots in Amsterdam, Utrecht and Rotterdam so we will have data, results and success stories to present. I hope to hear back from you soon. If you require any more information please let me know. Regards, Paul Manwaring
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